Saturday, October 31, 2015


I signed up for a Netflix account today for the first time in many years, not since Netflix was nothing more than that we-will-snail-mail-you-DVDs alternative to Blockbuster video. I have been under the impression that I needed a TV to watch Netflix and that the streaming service somehow jived exclusively with the modern TVs that I don't understand as I don't have a TV... but I don't! It works great on my laptop and costs very, very little to enjoy. I christened the account by watching "Circle" which is a fourth example of cheapo science fiction. Happy Halloween!


Addendum 10/31/2015: Alright, I want to write a second time. I am already frustrated with the limited selection. It's really not like going to a video store. I remember dropping the old school snail mail service I once had over this very reason.

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