Saturday, August 8, 2015

Harbinger Down

Today I drove from Las Vegas to Las Cruces and on the way I stopped at the AMC Arizona Center 24 in Phoenix to see the film Harbinger Down. As far as made for pennies science fiction films go, I liked this film better than Primer (2004) but not as good as Coherence (2013) and I'm still up for more cheapo Sci-Fi yet! All of the acting is great. I didn't catch any real mistakes. I wanted to see it because it "starred" Lance Henriksen, but it turns out that he really has a supporting role and not even the best of the supporting roles. The film stands on its own by way of a cast of unknowns just fine. At one point Lance says "this thing has been frozen since the '80s" in reference to a reentered soviet satellite that the heroes come across to their detriment (a monster awaits within) and I wondered if he was breaking the fourth wall a little and talking about perhaps

  1. himself, or
  2. this subgenre, and in particular this subgenre is of old school rubber suit movie monsters without any computerized digital touch-ups to what is filmed.

This romanticism for the queso of a bygone exploitation age is both formulaic and, yet, more original than you'd think when you get down to some of the smaller details. I like this little movie. Milla Bjorn (left) and Camille Balsamo (right) are the real stars. They are pictured here:

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