Saturday, October 10, 2015

I saw Justin Mason speak on enabling continuous delivery at MeasureUP.

He said aloud that small frequent commits are good. I totally agree but have worked with others that don't, so I was glad to get the affirmation. I guess some of the criticisms against small commits are that it is harder to peer review or code review. That's the push back I've bumped into. Another thought is that nothing should be committed that isn't fully functional even if it is partially working in a harmless way that sabotages nothing else. For me this goes to that rock climbing analogy of only being able to fall to the point where you last planted a spike. I don't want to get something working and then self-sabotage downstream without a way to get back to where I was. I guess I could copy folders around locally in my own environment to make the rock climbing safe, but what if my VM dies. Maybe I'm paranoid.

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