Saturday, April 7, 2012

What is new?

What is new in CSS3? This is a very open-ended question. Answers include: rounded corners and drop shadows for divs, ribbons, hover effects to empower dropdown menus without a line of JavaScript, transitions allowing for simple animation effects, expanded media queries to, for example, gauge if the screen is currently less than x pixels wide, ways to style the nth child in a collection, and other interesting css selectors (this is the most powerful feature, the means to query for a child element with selectors and apply a style selectively)

What is new in HTML5? This too is a very open-ended question. There are tags to handle video. There is now a local storage concept. There is a canvas element which mimics a vector graphics paradigm in displaying shapes. There are new form elements such as calendar, date, and email. There are content specific element tags such as article, footer, and header.

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