Thursday, October 4, 2012

Create drop down lists for user inputs in SSRS.

Let's say you have a stored procedure that takes two input parameters to generate results. What if, when a user enters values for the sproc in an SSRS report, you wished to restrain their values to a series of options. You could do so like this:

   <ReportParameter Name="DoomDate">
      <Prompt>What day will the world end?</Prompt>
   <ReportParameter Name="SkyColor">
      <Prompt>What color is the sky?</Prompt>


The second DataType above has its selectable values hard-coded. The first gets its values populated by data like so:

<DataSet Name="DarkDates">
         SELECT DISTINCT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),PaymentDate,111) AS dtSort,
               CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),PaymentDate,101) dtLabel
         FROM FutureEvents
         ORDER BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),PaymentDate,111) DESC
      <Field Name="dtSort">
      <Field Name="dtLabel">


The DataTypes will create drop down lists. Their values get associated to the stored procedure like so:

      <QueryParameter Name="@DoomDateInSproc">
      <QueryParameter Name="@SkyColorInSproc">


The three blobs of XML here are three different bits of one SSRS report using the sp_SomethingErOther stored procedure.

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