Monday, December 31, 2012
n+1 problems in stored procedures
Friday, December 28, 2012
reach out to the master page in a web forms ASP.NET project
This is one way to go fishing for a method in the master page from the page using it:
char foo = (Page.Master as Bar).ContentSeparator
The master page itself would start out like so:
public partial class Bar : System.Web.UI.MasterPage
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
Thursday, December 27, 2012
using IIS with VS2010
If a desktop has two DVI ports on it, it may randomize which of the two ports it decides to broadcast the signal out of.
This sort of pain point fits with the challenging day I've been having. I have a sore throat, there was a fire at the hotel, and it snowed heavily...
Update: The fire turned out to be a prank. Someone sprayed a fire extinguisher all over the fourth floor and then pulled the fire alarm. I was fooled!
System.Web is the namespace for HttpContext.Current
Dim context As HttpContext = HttpContext.Current
...didn't "want to take" just now so I replaced it with...
Dim context As HttpContext = Web.HttpContext.Current
...and referenced the System.Web namespace at the top of the file like so...
Imports System.Web
...and yes, this is VB script :(
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
sniff the name of your computer in C#
In C# System.Net.Dns.GetHostName() returns the "DNS host name of the local computer" which may be thought of less verbosely as "the computer name" and should be the same thing you get by typing hostname at a command prompt. A use of System.Net.Dns.GetHostName() will be flagged by HP Fortify as a "Often Misused: Authentication" error.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Server.Transfer has a preserveForm parameter that is not trivial methinks.
preserveForm is the second parameter in a Server.Transfer call and it is pretty important. I think the code I gave here is pretty bad and should really look like this (note the true value in black for passing the HttpContext variables):
HttpContext CurrContext = HttpContext.Current;
CurrContext.Items.Add("q", q.Value);
Server.Transfer("/search/default.aspx", true);
...cannot be like so which won't fly...
Server.Transfer("/search/default.aspx?q=" + q.Value, true);
Fish variables back out on the other side of the leap like so:
HttpContext CurrContext = HttpContext.Current;
var whatever = CurrContext.Items["q"].ToString()
While we are at it, here is the same thing in VB (per this):
Dim context As HttpContext = HttpContext.Current
context.Items.Add("q", q.Value)
Server.Transfer("/search/default.aspx", True)
Go fishing for the variables in VB:
Dim context As HttpContext = HttpContext.Current
If Not context.Items("q") Is Nothing Then
Dim q As String = CType(context.Items("q"), String)
End If
This also shows off VB script object-to-string casting and some if logic. (I've been doing some VB script lately in plumbing in old code.) preserveForm should be true to "preserve the QueryString and Form collections" according to this Visual Studio intellisense helper, so I am betting I need it to preserve the HttpContext I just created.
Set cookie paths and domains.
This restricts a cookie to a subdomain, I think:
HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["foo"].Domain = "";
This restricts a cookie to a folder:
HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["foo"].Path = "/support";
Note: A single forward slash for the path setting will encompass the whole of the site. This is will cause an "Overly Broad Path" in a HP Fortify scan.
The way to parrot @Html.Encode on the C# side is with HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(foo) according to this. I think Server.HtmlEncode(foo) in the VB equivalent.
An update: I think HttpUtility.HtmlEncode may also be the way to go in VB as Server.HtmlEncode seems to force a conversion to a string. I think I might be able to get away with wrapping a DataSet in HttpUtility.HtmlEncode in both C# and VB. More soon.
beat XSS attacks with Razor
This suggests that one may sanitize stuff that bubbles up to a view against being XSS vulnerable like so in Razor markup:
@Html.Encode(Model.MyMultilineTextField).Replace(@"\n", "<br />")
Sunday, December 23, 2012
OWASP and were given to me as other links to look into in the name of beating Fortify bugs. OWASP seems to stand for "The Open Web Application Security Project."
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The Hobbit
- Think of what you wanted to do when you were young and how badly you wanted it then.
- Think of the regret you will carry from passing on the opportunity.
Friday, December 21, 2012
an XSLT example
This suggests that one apply an XSLT (another thing I learned about from C# 4.0 in a Nutshell) transformation like so:
XPathDocument myXPathDoc = new XPathDocument(myXmlPath);XslTransform myXslTrans = new XslTransform();
XmlTextWriter myWriter = new XmlTextWriter("result.html",null);
This is something else I found which has this XML...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="tutorials.xsl"?>
<name>XML Tutorial</name>
<name>HTML Tutorial</name>
...and suggests that it may be used with this:
<xsl:template match="tutorial"><span class="tutorial-name"><xsl:value-of select="name"/></span>
<span class="tutorial-url"><xsl:value-of select="url"/></span>
get rid of adware at Internet Explorer in Windows 7
You are going to have to get rid of some of your plugins and this is a good cheatsheet on how to do so.
- Go to: Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Internet Explorer (No Add-ons)
- Click on: "Manage Add-ons"
- Start disabling the bad stuff.
VB script style try/catch/finally
isAsset = False
If content_data.AssetData.Id = "" Then
isAsset = False
isAsset = True
End If
Throw New System.Exception("Whatever")
somethingElse = "Whatever"
End Try
where T : Whatever
More fun from "C# 4.0 in a Nutshell": In the second line below, the ourSound string will end up set to "PuRRRRRRRRRRRRR" and the way in which it happens is pretty interesting...
Purrer<Tiger> purrer = new Purrer<Tiger>();
string ourSound = purrer.Purr();
OK, this is our Purrer class...
using System;
using System.Reflection;
public class Purrer<T> where T : Cat
public Purrer()
public string Purr()
Type type = typeof (T);
var infos = type.GetMethods();
MethodInfo info = infos[0];
Cat cat = (Cat)type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { }).Invoke(new object[] { });
return "Pu" + info.Invoke((object)cat, new object[] { }).ToString();
Above, please note:
- T cannot just be anything as is the norm. A contract restrains T to Cat.
- On the second to last line the constructor of T is invoked to make a T-shaped Cat.
- On the last line the first method in the new T-shaped Cat is invoked with no parameters and an assumed return value is cast to a string.
- That is all of the magic there is!
The Cat object looks like so...
public class Cat
public Cat()
public virtual string Growl()
return "rrrrrr";
The Tiger child of Cat overrides the Growl method to make the growl "louder" for a Tiger. The magic of this pattern happens in overriding. You may guarantee that FooProcessor will understand the methods of Foo while also being able to accomodate the variations of Foo's children.
public class Tiger : Cat
public Tiger()
public override string Growl()
Man, this posting is so nice and fluffy and cat-related. What's wrong with me?
Thursday, December 20, 2012
cast a wider net when fishing for server variables when switching from Response.Redirect to Server.Transfer
long asset_id = 0;
HttpContext CurrContext = HttpContext.Current;
if (CurrContext.Items["id"] != null)
asset_id = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["id"]);
if (! (Request.QueryString["id"] == null))
asset_id = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["id"]);
When trying to replace Response.Redirect with Server.Transfer you will need to handle get variables a different way. seems to have a pretty good article on it. The write up suggests that this...
Response.Redirect("/search/default.aspx?q=" + q.Value); most appropriately replaced like so...
HttpContext CurrContext = HttpContext.Current;
CurrContext.Items.Add("q", q.Value);
...and NOT like so which won't fly...
Server.Transfer("/search/default.aspx?q=" + q.Value);
Fish variables back out on the other side of the leap like so:
HttpContext CurrContext = HttpContext.Current;
var whatever = CurrContext.Items["q"].ToString()
This way isn't going to cut it in this implementation.
HP Fortify Challenges
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
an underscore lets you wrap to a new line in VB Script
The magic of String.Format in fixing Fortify bugs.
lblFileBlurb.Text = String.Format("{0}",fileBlurb); likely better than this...
lblFileBlurb.Text = fileBlurb;
For avoiding XSS attacks Fortify may prefer that you associate a sproc directly with a database connection.
cmd = New SqlCommand("sp_Whatever", conn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
...may be superior to...
cmd = New SqlCommand
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = ("sp_Whatever")
- XSS is an acryonym for Cross-Site Scripting.
- Please forgive the VB Script. :(
filtering HP Fortify
Tabs in Fortify, both in the Audit Workbench and the Visual Studio 2010 plugin, will denote the issues which are:
- Critical
- High
- Medium
- Low
- and a collection of the four above
Right-click on any one issue and pick "Generate Filter..." to generate a filter across all of the Fortify issues. For an Ektron project, it is going to be best to exclude errors of the "Workarea" and "widgets" folders as fixing such errors would be tinkering with Ektron itself. There is a separate filters pane one may bring up too.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
create users for IIS7 in Windows7
- give the new user rights over the applicable files in the applicable folder that is to be an IIS site
Monday, December 17, 2012
empower Remote Desktop connections at a PC running Windows 7
Control Panel > User Accounts > Give other users access to this computer where one empowers the ability for another to remote desktop in. When connecting, just connect to the name of the PC on the LAN at hand.
crawl XML from with MSSQL
This touches on XMLCOL which is some awful way to crawl XML from with MSSQL. As example:
SELECT XMLCOL.query('user/name').value('.','NVARCHAR(20)') as name
This is going to look in the "user" node for the "name" node.
backup and restore a MSSQL database
Per this:
- Back-up a database in MSSQL:
Right-click on a database in MSSQL Management Studio Express 2008 and pick "Back Up..." under "Tasks." You will need to specify something like this...
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\WHATEVER\MSSQL\Backup\
...for the where-to-back-up-to setting.
- Tasks > Restore > Database... is where one should restore from
of WinForms state and Fortify
Sunday, December 16, 2012
NVARCHAR(max) in MSSQL is flagged as Insecure Randomness in HP Fortify.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Insecure Randomness
Yes, this is an HP Fortify bug!
Random foo = new Random();
int bar = foo.Next(42); is a write up on why it rotten for random password generation stuff. I found online which suggests using Membership.GeneratePassword to beat the problem. The example in the link is:
string password = Membership.GeneratePassword(12, 1);
12 is the length and 1 is the MINIMUM number of characters that are not alphanumeric.
Guids for passwords?
This suggests that repurposing a Guid is a great way to craft a random password of strictly alphanumeric characters. Well, I tested the theory today and am pleased with what came to be. The code in black below could have just been left out, but I kept it for readability.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace EQL.Members
public static class PasswordGenerator
public static string Generate(int lengthOfPassword)
Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
string secret = guid.ToString().Replace("-", "");
if (lengthOfPassword > 1 && lengthOfPassword < 32) secret = secret.Substring(0,
return RandomizeTheCaseOnLetters(secret);
private static string RandomizeTheCaseOnLetters(string secret)
char[] characterArray = secret.ToCharArray();
char[] arrayForRandomizing = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-",
List<bool> listForRandomizing = arrayForRandomizing.Select(c => ((int) c%2 == 0)
? true : false).ToList();
int counter = 0;
bool containsNumber = false;
bool containsLetter = false;
while (counter < characterArray.Length)
char character = characterArray[counter];
int characterEncoding = (int)character;
if (characterEncoding > 49)
containsLetter = true;
string stringifiedCharacter = character.ToString();
if (listForRandomizing[counter])
stringifiedCharacter = stringifiedCharacter.ToUpper();
} else {
stringifiedCharacter = stringifiedCharacter.ToLower();
characterArray[counter] = stringifiedCharacter.ToCharArray()[0];
} else {
containsNumber = true;
characterArray = EnsurePresenceOfBothOneDigitAndOneLetter(characterArray,
containsNumber, containsLetter);
return characterArray.Aggregate("", (current, c) => current + c.ToString());
private static char[] EnsurePresenceOfBothOneDigitAndOneLetter(char[]
characterArray, bool containsNumber, bool containsLetter)
if (!containsNumber)
characterArray[0] = '0';
if (!containsLetter)
characterArray[0] = 'a';
return characterArray;
My tests:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using EQL.Members;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace EQL.Tests
public class PasswordGeneratorTests
public void GuidToAlphanumericPasswordConversionBehavesAsExpected()
string password = PasswordGenerator.Generate(31);
Assert.AreEqual(password.Length, 31);
Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(password, @"^[A-Za-z0-9]+$"));
public void PasswordsAlwaysHaveAtLeastOneNumberAndAtLeastOneLetter()
string password = PasswordGenerator.Generate(2);
char[] characterArray = password.ToCharArray();
int counter = 0;
bool containsNumber = false;
bool containsLetter = false;
while (counter < characterArray.Length)
char character = characterArray[counter];
int characterEncoding = (int)character;
if (characterEncoding > 49)
containsLetter = true;
} else {
containsNumber = true;
cast char type variables to their numeric encodings and back again
This test passes.
public void Whatever()
char x = (char)77;
int y = (int) x;
Assert.AreEqual("M", x.ToString());
Assert.AreEqual(77, y);
Alphanumeric characters are in the three ASCII ranges of 48-57, 65-90, and 97-122.
characters 0-1 | equal integers 48-57 |
characters A-Z | equal integers 65-90 |
characters a-z | equal integers 97-122 |
Should I use using in tandem with try/catch instead of nesting a try/catch inside of a try/catch?
This suggests that the try/catch should probably sit within the using. I felt the temptation today to nest a try/catch in a try/catch and then I did some Googling and talked myself out of it.
In the name of using SqlParameter in an HP Fortify-friendly manner...
SqlParameter foo = bar.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Baz", qux); copacetic while this isn't...
SqlParameter foo = bar.Parameters.Add("@Baz", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 42);
foo.Value = qux;
Friday, December 14, 2012
Make someone else God in SharePoint just like you.
- pick Site Permissions from Site Actions
- click Grant Permissions
- find a new God at the Select Users box by email address
When fixing a "Unbounded Occurrences" bug for HP Fortify, there may be a place in a .xsd for a dataset (let's say the database is Foo.xsd) which looks likes so...
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
...and must become like so:
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="79228162514264337593543950335">
Where did 79228162514264337593543950335 come from? It came from a line in the Designer file which gives away the type used for maxOccurs:
any1.MaxOccurs = decimal.MaxValue;
Get a number from an appropriate type.
The "File Separator" HP Fortify bug is REALLY easy to hack around.
This posting is bad. It was pointed out to me that the following is a better way to address this:
string unfinishedPath = "C:\\\\fun";
string attachmentPath = unfinishedPath + "\\";
if (Directory.Exists(attachmentPath))
Directory.Delete(attachmentPath, true);
...and you can get around it like so:
string unfinishedPath = "C:\\\\fun";
string attachmentPath = unfinishedPath;
if (Directory.Exists(String.Format("{0}{1}",attachmentPath,
Thursday, December 13, 2012
hosts file
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ is where your host file lives. Run notepad as administrator and then open this file to force DNS to resolve for a particular A record to a particular IP (like, for example, the local IP of your laptop) like so:
This is often vital for prepping web sites to run locally in IIS.
Delete the just-in-time junk files to get around those ASP.NET errors that are tied to your profile without being tied to a file.
The "File Separator" HP Fortify bug is easy to hack around.
Something like this will give you the error:
string unfinishedPath = "C:\\\\fun";
string attachmentPath = unfinishedPath + "\\";
if (Directory.Exists(attachmentPath))
Directory.Delete(attachmentPath, true);
...and you can get around it like so:
string unfinishedPath = "C:\\\\fun";
char seperator = (char)92;
List<char> characters = unfinishedPath.ToList();
string attachmentPath = characters.Aggregate("", (current, c) => current + c.ToString());
if (Directory.Exists(attachmentPath))
Directory.Delete(attachmentPath, true);
inner/nested partial classes
Another way inner/nested classes may be used is as partials. This would allow for the extension of a second partial elsewhere by the class wrapping the partial class. Maybe the Poop class does not normally hold a getsetter for IsCarryingParasites and it is extended for the Cat class like so:
namespace Whatever
public class Cat {
public Poop Poo { get; set; }
public partial class Poop
public bool IsCarryingParasites { get; set; }
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Install configuration-specific config files offers that you may right-click on a Web.config file and select "Add Config Transforms" to make configuration-specific Web.config files for each variation in the Configuration Manager. If you add the "Configuration Transform" extension out of the Online Gallery at the Extension Manager under the Tools menu. (This is also where one finds jQuery grid.)
Ektron needs IIS to run locally.
SSIS cannot do SFTP by itself.
SSIS has a file watcher.
how files are nested below other files in a .csproj
Open a .csproj file in notepad to example the underlying XML...
<Content Include="Web.Debug.config">
<Content Include="Web.PROD.config">
<Content Include="Web.DIT.config">
<Content Include="Web.SIT.config">
Ctrl-K followed by Ctrl-C and Ctrl-E followed by Ctrl-U are the standard Visual Studio shortcuts for commenting and uncommenting code respectively.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
DBAmp sprocs
fixing an HP Fortify bug to do with XmlReader
This was causing a "High" error in an HP Fortify scan.
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(serializationStream);
I fixed it might this.
XmlReaderSettings xmlReaderSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(serializationStream, xmlReaderSettings);
I didn't even have to do something of substance like this.
XmlReaderSettings xmlReaderSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
xmlReaderSettings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Prohibit;
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(serializationStream, xmlReaderSettings);
HP Fortify Details pane in Visual Studio 2010
View > Other Windows > Fortify SCA Windows where one may go to get the Fortify Details pane in Visual Studio 2010.
some SSIS notes
SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is the new BIDS. is an article I found on it online suggesting that it may be downloaded at We were curious to see if WinSCP will "jive" with the new SSIS of Visual Studio 2012's SSDT. The first step in making a 2012 SSIS package is to create an Integration Services project per and touches on how to do so a little bit. suggests that the Integration Services solution is only available via Microsoft SQL Server 2012 which may be downloaded at
to upgrade a project's Framework in Visual Studio
Does anyone know...
- Is there a way to grab a version number out of the compiler via C#?
- Does one have to have a copy of MSSQL Server 2012 installed to make an Integration Services solution in SSDT?
Monday, December 10, 2012
change the name of a navigation link in SharePoint (not the HDRI way)
Site Actions > Site Settings > Site libraries and lists > Customize "Whatever" > Title, description and navigation is not where I went at HDRI for making a change to the name of a link at the sidenav, but things were not the norm there. Julia Reynolds had SharePoint navigation administerable in a different manner.
Boost memory allocation for HP Fortify.
We have found the need to boost memory allocation for HP Fortify on our 32-bit systems. We can push it up to 1300 MB. The place where one finds this setting is pretty strange. From the "HP Fortify" menu in Visual Studio, one should go to "Options ..." which will spawn the "Fortify Options ..." dialog box. There should be three menu items of sorts at the left:
- Server Settings
- Rulepack Configuration
- Project Settings
The last option will not appear if you do not have an solution open, and it is the last option that you will need. (You'll have to change the setting for every solution if every solution needs more memory allocation.) At the "Analysis Configuration" tab there will be a drop down for "SQL Type:" which should be changed to "TSQL." The 1300 value should be entered to the right of the drop down. It's a confusing locale for the setting.
get appSettings variable from app.config in a Console application
string whatever = (string)System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["whatever"]; newer than...
string whatever = (string)System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["whatever"];
There is danger in renaming an ASP.NET app.config file.
If you rename the app.config in a console app, you may really confuse your application. I had to run "Clean Solution" (right-click on the ASP.NET Solution and pick "Clean Solution") to get DataSet which should have been functioning properly to function properly on the other side of a the other side of swapping of app.config with another file called app.Debug.config with a renaming. Comedically, I was trying in vain to manually doctor up a DataSet today to fix an inability for the code to run. It was an interesting refresher on DataSets...
- make a dataset
- drag tables from the Server Explorer into the DataSet
- right-click on one of the tables drug into the DataSet and pick "View Code" to make a partial class
Friday, December 7, 2012
grab a ConnectionString out of the Web.config like so
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace MyApplication.Controllers
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(@connectionString);
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
string query = "SELECT * FROM UserRole";
command.CommandText = query;
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
command.Connection = connection;
adapter.SelectCommand = command;
List<string> roleNames = new List<string>();
foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
return View(roleNames);
...Bonus: I use my model like so in a view...
@model List<string>
<h2>roles out of UserRole</h2>
@foreach (var role in Model)
how to encrypt the passwords in a Web.config file
So far, the best resource I've found online for a how to-guide for how to encrypt the passwords in a Web.config file has suggested, like every other blog posting, that one has to put some stuff in the top of the Web.config to make it work. However, most of the other postings I fought my way through suggested additions that just wouldn't compile!. The golden posting I saw here which now seems offline. Maybe it will return. At any rate, it suggests/suggested you start off a Web.config file like this:
<section name="dataConfiguration" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
<dataConfiguration defaultDatabase="MyDatabase">
<add databaseType="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Sql.SqlDatabase,
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" name="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Next, navigate to the folder holding a Web.config to encrypt with "Developer Command Prompt for VS2012" and then type something like this:
aspnet_regiis -pef connectionStrings . -prov DataProtectionConfigurationProvider
Sometimes the Web.config file will be redacted and sometimes a better copy of the Web.config file will be made one folder up. I'm sure there is a sane explanation for this, but I don't really care. Use appSettings here in lieu of connectionStrings to encrypt the appSettings section of the Web.config instead of the connectionStrings section. Also rename app.config to Web.config to make this trick work for app.config. You will then need to rename Web.config back to app.config. In the end, something like this:
<add name="DefaultConnection" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"
connectionString="Data Source=MyServer;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;
Persist Security Info=True;User ID=foo;Password=bar" />
...will become something like this:
<connectionStrings configProtectionProvider="DataProtectionConfigurationProvider">
Thursday, December 6, 2012
install IIS at Windows 7
Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows features on and off where one may turn on IIS in Windows 7.
shared folders in Windows 7
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
make a .bat file
Following this I made a .bat file by putting the following in a .txt file:
@echo off
echo Comparing two files: %1 with %2
if not exist %1 goto File1NotFound
if not exist %2 goto File2NotFound
fc %1 %2
echo Files are not the same. Copying %1 over %2
copy %1 %2 /y & goto END
echo Files are the same. Did nothing
goto END
echo %1 not found.
goto END
copy %1 %2 /y
goto END
echo Done.
I then just renamed the .txt to .bat.
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 is where msbuild seemed to end up installed from after I downloaded msbuild from here.
msbuild FooFoo.sln /p:Configuration=Deploy is the command for making a Deploy-specific Web.config.
to get Ektron to compile...
make a database project
- make a "SQL Server 2008 Server Project" in Visual Studio
- right-click on the project that is made in the Solution Explorer and pick "Import Objects and Settings..."
- on the other side of a simple wizard, you will "import" a selected database, so to speak, as SQL scripts
- use HP Fortify Audit Workbench to run Fortify scans of these... I can't get the projects to compile
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Scott Hanselman on multiple configuration files is a Scott Hanselman blog posting on having multiple configuration files for different environment. I am partway into playing around with this now. Did you know that you may hold CTRL and then click/drag a file in the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio to make a copy of a file? Hanselman's blog postings seem a lot like his talks. We are swept away on a bunch of wild tangents and we always somehow end up feeling better off for it instead of distracted.
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 is the range for Int32 types
decimal.MinValue and decimal.MaxValue are gonna giveya
-79228162514264337593543950335 and 79228162514264337593543950335 respectively.
unbounded maxOccurs
A Fortify bug for ASP.NET: An .xsd (dataset) file has maxOccurs="unbounded" in it. If this pops up, try giving the maximum decimal type value in lieu of "unbounded" which is: 79228162514264337593543950335
signing certificate error
This says the "Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store." error may be solved by going to the "Signing" tab in the project's properties and then clicking on any of these buttons:
- Select from Store...
- Select from File...
- Create Test Certificate...
create a new build configuration
Monday, December 3, 2012
I seemed to lose the controls for forwarding an email from within Outlook.
Tealeaf and Cast Iron
Sunday, December 2, 2012
one of your solution's "projects" could be a compiled .dll
Friday, November 30, 2012
doctor an .sln to add a project
It is pretty easy to splice a reference to another project into a solution by opening the .sln file in notepad and adding something like these two lines before the word "Global."
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ProjectName",
"ProjectName\ProjectName.csproj", "{2A55F118-6989-431B-B9DE-02C11001B1B4}"
Fortify Repository
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Ektron Searching
the HP Fortify plugin for Visual Studio 2010 is really easy to use
You will end up with an "HP Fortify" menu in Visual Studio and...
- Analyze Source Code of Solution in the menu will crawl your source code and display results in an "Analysis Results" pane.
- Generate Report ... will let you make a PDF of what is in the "Analysis Results" pane.
This has proved much easier to use than the standalone tools which we found did not want to crawl C#, and indeed perhaps they could not measure C# gremlins without access to the compiler.
if you really need to mess with some source code short-term and locally when TFS won't let you
cannot alter a file in Team Foundataion Server
This suggests you must explicitly check out in TFS to get around this error that occurs upon attempting an edit:
The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file 'WHATEVER' that must be modified cannot be changed. If the file is under source control, you may want to check it out; if the file is read-only on disk, you may want to change its attributes.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
keep your Windows 7 PC from falling asleep while you copy stuff from a file share after leaving for the day
- go to the Control Panel
- change "View by: Category" to "View by: Small icons"
- go to "Power Options"
- Change the plan settings for the radio button that is checked
- the radio button checked is likely "Balanced (recommended)
One may create a new .fpr directly within HP Fortify's Audit Workbench.
make an HP Fortify PDF Report that gives a comprehensive breakdown of flagged problems
I may have found the right place to get rules for HP Fortify
make a PDF in Audit Workbench
At: Tools > Generate Report...
I was able to make a PDF from an .fpr in HP Fortify's Audit Workbench.
HP Fortify Scan Wizard must have rules files
C:\Program Files (x86)\Fortify Software\HP Fortify v3.50\Core\config\rules where they live. The Scan Wizard will not run without this, but with this, it should make a .fpr file that you may open in HP Fortify Audit Workbench. I copied the rules files from someone else's PC. I don't know how to get them otherwise.
How to select C# as a language in HP Fortify's Scan Wizard
HP Fortify decided to uninstall itself somehow overnight I went to:
Control Panel > Uninstall a program > right-click on HP Fortify v3.50 > Change ...which fired off a process that repaired Fortify. I then had to newly add the license file back at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Fortify Software\HP Fortify v3.50\fortify.license
Ektron handles markup in a case-sensitive manner.
<p>Hello world.</P> will cause an explosion. Do not expect the awful gunk exported from Microsoft Word or Eloqua to not need your cleanup before incoporation.
Team Foundation Server "cannot be migrated because the solution cannot be checked out" error
I solved this TFS problem:
Solution file 'whatever' cannot be migrated because the solution cannot be checked out from source code control. To migrate the solution, make sure the solution file can be checked out and re-open it.
By just unchecking the checkbox for read-only inspite of what these two links told me:
- (suggested I uncheck "Allow editing of read-only files; warn when attempt to save" at Tools > Options... > Enviroment > Documents)
upsert and merge
I heard the term upsert today and it is synonymous with merge per Wikipedia which is never wrong.
MERGE INTO TABLE_NAME USING table_reference ON (condition)
UPDATE SET column1 = value1 [, column2 = value2 ...]
INSERT (column1 [, column2 ...]) VALUES (value1 [, value2 ...
Addendum 1/16/2015: This is really stupid. Please see this instead.
folder options and unhiding extensions and show hidden files
How to select C# as a language in HP Fortify's Scan Wizard
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
SCSI expansion
SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) allows one to bolt on more "space" to a server. You can't do this with NAS.
Addendum 6/21/2016: NAS is Network Attached Storage. It's any ability to share storage at a server beyond the bounds of the server.
Addendum 9/11/2017: SCSI is pronouced... "skuzzy"
Beyond Compare
One of my coworkers mentioned Beyond Compare as a code comparison tool today. It should be more comprehensive than WinMerge which is just for finding the inconsistencies in two dissimilar files.
extend your desktop in Windows 7
at: Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Adjust screen resolution
Telerik JustCode
SSDT is the new BIDS
Set local IPs for DNS Servers in Windows 7
- right click on the "bars" icon on the start bar by the clocks and pick "Open Network and Sharing Center"
- click the "Local Area connection" link
- in the "Local Area Connection Status" dialog box click the "Properties" button
- uncheck "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)"
- select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)"
- click the "Properties" button
- click the radio button for "Use the following DNS server addresses:"
- type in the addresses
- at a command prompt type: ipconfig /flushdns
One may run HP Fortify from the inside or from the outside looking in.
DBAmp offers translation between SalesForce and MSSQL. It allows you to run SQL commands such a SELECT * against SalesForce! You may also, as you might imagine, push records in.
Monday, November 26, 2012
someone found my blog Googling "draw on canvas using WatiN"
one has to have the Enterprise level of Ektron to use eSync which allows for local development copies of the MSSQL database
I arrived in Nashua, New Hampshire today for a few weeks of business travel. I will be working with Ektron while I am here, and as fate would have it, Ektron itself is located in Nashua. I could not resist stopping by to see what I might gleam. Thanks to Derek Barka for taking the time to meet with me!
I'll start work tomorrow. It is rather hard to know what to expect from the outside looking in and without having had the opportunity to work with Ektron before. We flirted with using Ektron at FramesDirect for a shopping cart package, but ultimately FramesDirect went with Magento. Derek said that is a good place to go with questions. Ektron is also very good about responding to Twitter-based queries. They have been very proactive about engaging with me once I started blogging of Ektron. The receptionist at Ektron gave me some canned marketing materials and together with the Wrox book I bought, this comprises all of the print reading materials I could find.
Alright, I know this blog posting has been mostly fluff. The thing I want to say is: Ektron has three engagement levels:
- Enterprise
- Professional
- Standard
...and one has to have the Enterprise level to use eSync which allows for local development copies of the MSSQL database. I don't think that will exist where I am going. This is my hunch, based on what I've heard. I'll know more tomorrow on the other side of the ocean of the unknown.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Ektron ABCs
The Workarea for a default CMS400Min install of Ektron will allow users to administer the folder structure, menu system, content, metadata, and users themselves. There are three types of users:
- Membership users who can only use the proper portion of the site
- Content Authors who may use the Workarea (a backend system for editing the frontend system)
- four canned accounts that fall outside of the other two definitions
- Admin, a global administrator
- Builtin, which may change the license key if everyone else is locked out
- InternalAdmin, which holds global great permissions for programmatic tinkering (forgive me for not putting it more eloquently)
- Vs, which is used for talking to Ektron Framework Server Controls via Visual Studio across web services
The passwords for Admin, Builtin, and Vs need to be changed from their defaults before a push to production. There is a group called Everyone that all users start out as a part of and a group called Administrators that users may be added to. Becoming a member of Administrators does what you might expect. The Settings section of the Workarea will allow one to create users:
Thursday, November 22, 2012
I am beginning a book on Ektron.
I am beginning to read a Wrox book called "Ektron Developers Guide" in advance of diving into an existing Ektron project on Tuesday. I wish there was a way to download a trial copy of the software, but unfortunately, all I can do in advance of Tuesday is flip through the one book (from 2011) that seems to have been written on the proprietary CMS. The software is not trivial. It has a significant footprint, expanding into many things. Beyond being a CMS, it offers a canned shopping cart too.
Ektron started in 1998 as what the book calls a WCMS (web content management system) and at the time must have been something other than web forms ASP.NET. It is today of framework 3.5 web forms ASP.NET, with an heavy emphasis on breaking chunks of screen real estate up into .ascx (User Control) widgets. The widgets may be "Ektron Widgets" which one builds using something called PageBuilder. These developers may build out themselves and get creative with. There are also over eighty canned ".NET Server Controls" which are for things that Ektron's own realize arise as common wants. Both varieties of widget take into account whether or not a user has permissions to see the widget, edit the widget right there in the page, etc., so there is likely a robust way to administer privileges for various varieties of users within Ektron. (I assume that is coming later in the book.) Ektron's stuff is a hodgepodge of home-rolled and not home-rolled. They defer to a bigger player in a given space when it makes sense. For analytics for example, one may use Google or Omniture. An API uses the following namespaces:
- Ektron.CMS is the oldest namespace and the book seems to admit that it could be better.
- Ektron.CMS.API is newer and allows one to do bulk data processing in code that is not easy elsewhere.
- Ektron.CMS.Framework is the newest and is apparently slowly being expanded in scope to offer a better alternative to what one may find in Ektron.CMS which is piecemeal and not intuitive. The book suggests that once you're used to this namespace that things will be easy to find using IntelliSense and some guessing. One thing leads to another.
- System.Web.UI.UserControl will be used by a widget (an .ascx).
A surprising upfront chunk of the book is on Agile versus Waterfall and what the roles should be on an Ektron team. The book asserts that the better part of your team can just be persons who manage content and not actual developers. This is, after all, the whole reason to have a CMS. The book suggests that one should build a "CMS implementation guide" and that there is a sample project called "OnTrek" to be had that shows off how Ektron may be done with many widgets in use.
When you set up Ektron, a wizard will walk you through the process and put folders in the right places. Some content is kept in an MSSQL database while other content exists as "assets" which I am guessing to be images and text/XML files. Even if all developers use a common database like a communal bowl, there is the problem of keeping copies of assets synchronized across all independent development environments.
Ektron has a feature called "Load Balancing" for this sort of synchronization concern and it also has a feature called "eSync" which allows each development environment to keep its own independent and standalone copy of the database without being so isolated that one cannot get the database updates another developer makes.
eSync doles out the database updates to the otherwise isolated environments. Think of The Tarantino Project, as it is going to be something like that. It looks like there are attempts to address speed issues with complication too. The book suggests that pages will not "recompile relevant files" unless there is a change, although what I have read thus far of this is vague. There is a "Workarea" folder that takes forever to compile and cannot be set to be excluded from its project given Ektron's nature. One can hack around this pain point by making the folder hidden in Windows itself. There is a way to debug libraries without launching the debugger or running unit tests, but what I have read so far is also vague on how to do this.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is the Wikipedia page. It is a Rolodex like Active Directory.
regular expressions in MSSQL
This points out that this is legitimate:
IF (@MyString LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%')
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
This suggests this:
ISNULL ( check_expression , replacement_value ) how to handle a value being null. You could use it to replace something like this:
SELECT Foo, Bar, Baz FROM Qux
...with something like this:
SELECT Foo, ISNULL ( BAR , 42 ), Baz FROM Qux
Monday, November 19, 2012
remove Price PEEP malware from Chrome
This offered the following steps (which worked) to help me get rind of the Price PEEP malware which also shows off how to manage plugins in Chrome:
- Click the link on the right that looks like a little gray box with 3 lines, "maybe looks like a little tablet".
- Click on Settings.
- At the bottom of the page click "Show Advanced Settings".
- On the far left - top of the page, click on "Extensions".
- You will see Peep extension....On the far right of the extension you will see a small, gray trashcan.
- Click on the trashcan.
- Click "yes remove peep".
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Ektron and Fortify, from the outside looking in
- does not allow one to download a demo.
- There is marketing fluff here:
- I was able to find a book on Ektron at
- HP Fortify Software Security Center suggests I may get a free trial of HP WebInspect Free Trial Request. The URL is
- I was told "Our corporate policy does not allow us to issue trials to generic email addresses such as Yahoo! or Gmail." when I completed the form using
- This offers: "It uses HP Fortify’s award winning static analysis to provide the most far-reaching vulnerability detection in source code available today." ...making me wonder if it will crawl C# for issues.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Agile process documentation
I went to AgileAustin last night and watched a panel discussion on architecture. The discussion largely took a how-do-we-deal-with-the-fact-that-management-will-not-approve-a-rewrite theme, but more interesting (to me) was an early tangent on how an Agile process could produce documentation.
One of the participants in the audience asserted that there is a false perspective that an Agile process is a panacea and that in fact, yes, you still have to know what you are doing or you will just build a big ball of mud with Agility. The incremental process will let you realize that you're doing something wrong quickly, but nothing more. One of the panelists suggested that a sprint zero to set up some architecture could be a wise move.
In building a product, Geoff Meyer of Dell, suggested that one could go to the product owners for some example, initial use cases by asking about whom the competition is and what some things to potentially test could be. Get the owners involved in the details and get marketing claims out of process. The marketers should be able to see how they'll write promotional materials based upon what you are to bake in the first few sprints, so the marketers will be doing some work paralleling the developers. Herein some documentation may be driven by want for money instead of being sidestepped as a waste of time as might be the norm. I thought it was a good first step to deal with this problem.
As I sit here typing this up it seems like the marketers would also want to detail what differentiates their product from rivals, and that initial sprints would be of differentiation as much as of a generic foray into the space at hand.
Geoff Meyer is shown in the center of this photo and the panelist at his left (looking towards the camera) is Ryan Vanderwerf of ReachForce. The panelist at the left of the photo is David Sheth of Calavista.
The event was moderated by Lee Fox.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
In looking at the Object Explorer in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, I see that below a server are six "folders" for:
- Databases
- Security
- Server Objects
- Replication
- Management
- SQL Server Agent
I spend all of my time in "Databases" but this suggests that SQL Server Agent is where the jobs are kept. ...And, in taking a look, it seems to be so. Right-clicking on a job and picking "Properties" reveals...
- General
- Steps
- Schedules
- Alerts
- Notifications
- Targets
General will have a checkbox for if the job is enabled while Steps will denote which sprocs are called and Notifications will tell you who is flagged by email when the job runs. Jobs are how one runs stored procedures on a timer (what might have been called a cron job in FreeBSD once upon a time). Windows Task Scheduler in contrast is used for running console apps written in ASP.NET on a timer.
add days to a date in MSSQL
DATEADD(D, 2, @DateToAddTwoDaysTwo) is an example of adding two days to a date in MSSQL. Negative values take you "back in time." seems like a pretty good cheat sheet. It says:
- y is of year
- m is of month
- d is of day
- h is of hour
- n is of minute
- s is of second
SSIS is kinda ghetto.
At Santanna we seem to have some very simply SSIS packages for ETLing flat files consumed from utilities. We:
- have an Execute SQL Task reach out to a stored procedure which ultimately calls a complicated select statement against a database table with columns holding a one-to-one dump of the flat file's data points
- in the Properties pane in BIDS, the SqlStatementSource donotes something like EXEC sp_Whatever pointing out which stored procedure to call
- have a Script Task put the data from the select to MSSQL via VB with inline SQL statements
- right-clicking on the task and selecting "Edit..." brings up a dialog box
- from here click "Edit Script..." to see the actual script
Today Paul Herrera taunted me over Twitter with: "What's wrong with putting code in a place that you CANNOT write unit tests for? :P" when he saw me tweet of SSIS. Indeed SSIS is kinda ghetto.
Paul Tidwell on Azure
I saw Paul Tidwell (right) of Falafel speak on Azure at ADNUG last night. His code:
Stuff said:
- What was referred to as Metro applications are now "Windows 8 Store" applications.
- Azure media services offers encoding built with IIS Smooth Streaming, MP4, and conversion to Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS).
- One may get a 90-day free trial of the Azure services.
- Download and install the SDK. Version 1.6 of the SDK seemed a lot more stable to Paul than version 1.7 from which he had connectivity issues in Visual Studio.
- See for how to use the API. The code given above is of this.
- One may injest video directly at Azure and store it there or, via Azure, provide a front end to a pipeline. Create a new media service in Azure like so:
Monday, November 12, 2012
I just participated in video conferencing for the first time in my life using Microsoft Lync. Fun stuff.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Cold Fusion to die?
sessionStorage core concepts
I just played with sessionStorage for the first time and it is easy:
- set it: sessionStorage.setItem("session_id", value);
- get it: var sid = sessionStorage.getItem("session_id");
sid above will be null if the code in the second bullet is run first before something like that of the first bullet. I confirmed that if you are able to populate "sid" and then you turn around and close and reopen the browser that sid will be null unless you repopulate it. Yay!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
singleton pattern
The singleton pattern ensures that an instance of a class is always a unique instance.
Addendum 5/6/2015: This old note is pretty confusing. Singleton conceptually means that no two instances of the thing will exist independently and therefore a singleton may act like a global variable.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
how to name a project
I am at Sharon Cichelli's Polyglot Programmers of Austin and the most interesting thing to come up tonight is a suggestion for how to pick a name for a new project:
- Go to:
- If you do not get a one word name, just return until you do.
old school JsonResult stuff
This suggests doing it like this:
public JsonResult GetCityList()
var list = from city in repository.Cities.GetAll()
select new { Text = city.Name, Value = city.ID };
return Json(list.ToList());
I've done it like this before:
public ActionResult Whatever()
return Json(new { greeting = "hello" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
JsonRequestBehavior is of the System.Web.Mvc namespace.
today's geek lunch
At today's geek lunch I learned:
- Node.js keeps dependencies as copies of the project holding the directory. This can mean multiple identical directories copied about.
- Compiler-as-a-service will let you keep C# in a database field that may be run when when summoned/queried into a project.
- EMR stands for Electronic Medical Record
- NLog was recommended to do logging. In order to log you still need to catch and exception in a try/catch. Try to be smart about how you write these instead of sprinkling them everywhere. (think CQRS)
still struggling with ResGen
I am still struggling with reading a .resources file to address this. I was able to make a welcome.resx and a into welcome.resources and (moving the English version to the "root" as my reading suggests a root is mandatory) with ResGen like so: