Friday, November 23, 2012

Ektron ABCs

The Workarea for a default CMS400Min install of Ektron will allow users to administer the folder structure, menu system, content, metadata, and users themselves. There are three types of users:

  1. Membership users who can only use the proper portion of the site
  2. Content Authors who may use the Workarea (a backend system for editing the frontend system)
  3. four canned accounts that fall outside of the other two definitions
    1. Admin, a global administrator
    2. Builtin, which may change the license key if everyone else is locked out
    3. InternalAdmin, which holds global great permissions for programmatic tinkering (forgive me for not putting it more eloquently)
    4. Vs, which is used for talking to Ektron Framework Server Controls via Visual Studio across web services

The passwords for Admin, Builtin, and Vs need to be changed from their defaults before a push to production. There is a group called Everyone that all users start out as a part of and a group called Administrators that users may be added to. Becoming a member of Administrators does what you might expect. The Settings section of the Workarea will allow one to create users:

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