Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What do you want from me? It's so hard to tell!

How does one interact with a method with a complicated interface like so:

TryParseValue(this object value, Type propType, out object result, out string errorMsg)


  1. There are three values you must hand in and not four. The first value, this, is handed over by way of chaining on .TryParseValue(a,b,c) to the end of it.
  2. The first alert as to the desired shape that I saw when moving my mouse pointer over empty parenthesis was:
    (this object value, Type propType, out object result, out string errorMsg):bool
  3. .TryParseValue(typeof (Boolean), out myObject, out emptyString); is the ultimate shape of things. If one leaves off one of the outs in this call one will be flagged with: Argument is 'value' while parameter is declared as 'out' ...when one mouses over the stuff in parenthesis.

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