Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Something to revisit and something I will not revisit...

This code:

var foo = FooRepository.FindAll(ObjectSpecs.MyCriteria(filter) && ObjectSpecs.MyOtherCriteria(filter)).ToPagedList(bar, baz);

In this post, is turning out to be flawed. I can't seem to connect two AdHocSpecification<T> items as suggested. Only the first item seems to "run." Perhaps there is something flawed with the last two methods in my posting. This is absolutely something that will be researched.

In contrast, I will not investigate this matter any further. I will continue to run our application in Cassini in lieu of IIS as I have realized that several of the team members are just using Cassini.

What is the difference? Well it depends on your application. In the one I am working on whenever I add permissions to myself for accessing parts of the application in Cassini, I have to log out and then reenter the app. The users on IIS apparently are not experiencing this pain point, so I was going to prep the app to run in IIS on my laptop. However, in speaking with some others who use the Cassini approach I learned that my problem was tied to always building the app in "Debug" mode instead of "Debug – Skip Data Tests." The former runs a test (in our environment) that will wipe and repopulate the local instance of the app's database, while the later will not do so. While I need to run in "Debug" mode after getting latest from TFS, I do not want to constantly wipe my database as I have to permission my Active Directory account to be able to do a few things within the app. Constantly redoing my permissions was tedious, but it looks like I've been introduced to an easy way out of this problem (easier than prepping IIS).

Two somewhat related things:

  1. One may open a .sql file in Visual Studio 2010 and right-click in the white space within it to see an option for "Execute SQL"
  2. One may right-click on a test project in Visual Studio 2010 and select Debug > Start new instance run the tests in the project with what I assume is MsTest.

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