Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mock You!

Our app has MOQ, pronounced "Mock You" in play for mocking. I'm trying to understand it. It doesn't look that tricky.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

using App.Core;

using App.Core.Entities;

using App.UI.Controllers;

using Moq;

using App.Core.Repositories;

using App.Tests;

using System.Web.Mvc;

using App.UI.Tests.Support;

namespace App.UI.Tests



   public class ProfileControllerTest


      IProfileRepository fakeRepo { get; set; }

      Mock<IProfileRepository> mockProfileRepository { get; set; }


      private static string userWithProfile = @"FOO\ProfileExists";

      private static string userWithoutProfile=@"FOO\NoProfile";

      private static Guid userIdForUserWithProfile = System.Guid.NewGuid();

      Profile existingProfile = TestObjects.BuildProfile(userWithProfile);

      Profile newProfile = new Profile() { UserName = userWithoutProfile };



      public void TestSetup()


         existingProfile.Id = userIdForUserWithProfile;

         mockProfileRepository = new Mock<IProfileRepository>();


            repo => repo.GetByUserName(userWithProfile)



            repo => repo.GetById(userIdForUserWithProfile)



            repo => repo.GetByUserName(userWithoutProfile)



            repo => repo.Save(existingProfile)



            repo => repo.Save(newProfile)


         fakeRepo = mockProfileRepository.Object;

         fakeRepo = mockProfileRepository.Object;

         ServiceLocator.LookupSource = () =>


            var testServices = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            testServices[AppCtxIds.PROFILE_REPOSITORY] = fakeRepo;

            return testServices;





      public void ProfileDetailsTest()



         var controller = new ProfileController();

         controller.ProfileRepository = fakeRepo;



         var actionResult = controller.Details(userIdForUserWithProfile);

         var viewResult = (ViewResult)actionResult;




            pr => pr.GetById(userIdForUserWithProfile), Times.Once()



         var viewProfile = ((Profile)viewResult.ViewData.Model);

         Assert.IsTrue(viewProfile.UserName == userWithProfile);



more code follows...

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