Thursday, March 12, 2015

The extension is not listed in the Visual Studio Gallery.

Alright, I see this error when I try to pull PostSharp out of my company's in-house Nuget repository and build with it in Visual Studio 2013, as I end up seeing a wizard for PostSharp materialize and when I next-next-next through the wizard I end up seeing "The extension is not listed in the Visual Studio Gallery." at the very end. This suggested that I need "VS extension build 3.1.43" even though I am attempting to use version 3.1.49! Attempting to go forward I found this which suggested that I go to "Extensions and Updates..." beneath "TOOLS" in Visual Studio and then search at the upper left, but that seemed to lead me to version 4.0.43 and I don't want an upgrade. Further Googling lead me to which lead me to bet there was a and I was right. I downed the .vsix from here and manually ran it and now the application builds just fine.

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