Sunday, November 10, 2019

what an analyst considers a data dictionary

This is some sort of a dump to a human readable format of what the columns in database tables are to Excel or some other format, maybe HTML in a wiki somewhere. If not a spit out from SQL, it could be some hand crafted representation too. In the PL/SQL space DESCRIBE or DESC is a keyword for digging this stuff up. Obviously in the T-SQL space DESC has a different meaning, descending. Instead, in the T-SQL space, try using EXEC sp_columns YourTableNameHere to get this info. Carrying some extra information about the table EXEC sp_help YourTableNameHere is, it would seem to me, a little better honestly. It doesn't have a few esoteric notes on columns its sister has like radix but you won't need to know about those truth be told. (Supposedly the radix is a length of an array, I don't even know what the context is within column typing.)

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