Saturday, December 29, 2018

Zero State

I was thinking today of a client site I was almost deployed to and one of their in-house terms, zero state. Zero state is what you have when you have a list of records and there are zero records. You may want to accommodate for this off-the-happy-path scenario as part of the workflow of a story. A little list of similar concerns are:

  1. Zero state
  2. Copy for messages
  3. "Are you sure?" for deletes
  4. What if there is an error?
  5. What if the user doesn't have permissions?
  6. What if there is a concurrency issue?
  7. Does the feature need to be wrapped in an on/off switch for ease of empowerment and abandonment in various environments?
  8. Does the story title make sense?
  9. Do any new stories come to mind in addressing these questions?

An older concern you don't hear that much about anymore is... what if you double-click a button when submitting a record or refresh the page after submitting a record? Will you make a double entry? I guess this is still worth worrying about.

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