Friday, June 1, 2018

I have a friend who was experimenting with .pipe to catch errors at Observables in an Angular 5 application and that made me curious. touches on it and more generically touches on mapping. My friend was trying to do a .map inside of the pipe machinery. Some of her code was like:

   tap(d => this.log('foo')),
   catchError(this.handleError('bar', []))


I think the tap attempts to resolve the promise to test if it will resolve or if it will freak out and then the catchError stuff comes in. I should shut up. I don't really know what I am talking about. Maybe you can have a map inside like this:

   .map(x => x[0]),
   tap(d => this.log('foo')),
   catchError(this.handleError('bar', []))


I'm not sure what that does, getting the first thing inside of an Observable (is it its promise?) and then doing nothing with it. I thought the better thing to do might be:

   tap(d => this.log('foo')),
   catchError(this.handleError('bar', []))
).map(x => {
   return { betterThing: x.thing + 1 };

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