Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Alec Gillis and Tom Woodruff Jr. are two guys who used to work for/with Stan Winston who was a fairly big name in Hollywood special effects until his recent death. His surviving understudies are now to roll out a horror movie called Harbinger Down which will feature exclusively old school foam/latex rubber suit monsters and supposedly no CGI (computer-generated imagery). The film was crowd-funded and I'd like to get behind it and endorse it without having ever seen it and without knowing if it is any good. If the movie turns out to be terrible that's great too and it will sort of meet expectations. It's going to star Lance Henriksen so that sort of seems consistent with it being bad in a good way. Now what does any of this have to do with software and why should I mention it at this blog? I like this image I found online of peeps on the movie set working with what has been suggested to be "practical effects" (not CGI).

They are all doing what they love, wrangling a thing with many tentacles, trying to make sense of it, trying to get it to behave and work. This seemed to say a lot about software to me. :) I promise I will not fill this blog with a bunch of noise just as I've also promised here. Bear with me. I think I've gotten this out of my system now.

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