Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Add a FooterTemplate to a GridViewDataTextColumn?

I haven't tried this yet...

<dxwgv:GridViewDataTextColumn FieldName="ProductName" VisibleIndex="2">
      <span style="font-size:6px;"><%# GetSummaryText(Container)%></span>
      <span><%# GetSummaryValue(Container)%></span>


...but if you have a DevExpress ASPxGridView which lists, for example, a bunch of line items in an order and you wish to show a total in an extra row down at the bottom of the grid, this might be the way to go. I'll know for sure tomorrow. Other links along these lines are:

Addendum 8/27/2015: I can't get this to work. I'm going to give up on it. I was going to try to attempt this approach to dress up an ASPxGridView at the column headers as well, but not anymore. I'm just going to use a plain Jane web forms repeater to build an HTML table with the bells and whistles I need. Wait, I've changed my mind. I'm going to use an ASPxGridView after all and just shove in a footer row for totaling prices at line items and the like by way of JavaScript. There is too much to give up otherwise... sorting, pagination, etc. I don't want to recreate the wheel in a repeater. That would be more hacky than what I'm scheming.

Addendum 8/28/2015: This is bunk. See this please.

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