Thursday, June 18, 2015

how to edit styles in the Web folder in a DevExpress theme

CardView, Chart, Editors, GridView, HtmlEditors, PivotGrid, RichEdit, Scheduler, Spreadsheet, TreeList, Web, and XtraReports are the folders that seem to get made by default for a DevExpress theme (or perhaps just the copies made from the default theme). I notice that when I select a control to style at the left pane in the Theme Builder that sometimes there is a one-to-one correspondence with one of these folders (GridView to GridView for example) while the Web folder contains global stuff. Each folder has a styles.css in it which drives everything and really you can edit these files outside of the Theme Builder too. To edit Web's stuff inside the Theme Builder when it doesn't have a control to select, just select any control. All of the files that style that control will be given at a tab at the lower right pane and there should thus be a tab for styles.css in Web as that will be looped in too.... or at least it was for GridView. I'm kinda assuming that it, the Web styles.css, straddles everything.

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