...with ReSharper will supposedly toggle between enabling and disabling code analysis, but I don't see it affecting the "Enable code analysis" checkbox one sees at "Settings" beneath "Code Inspection" inside the "Options" dialog box for ReSharper when I try it myself. Whatever. A four key hotkey is... something else. A decade ago I once went with Joel Holder to a meeting of the Perl Mongers which was a Perl users group for freaks who did cowboy coding in that convoluted crap and one of the guys mentioned a four key hotkey for doing something-er-other and dubbed it the Vulcan nerve pinch. Not off-base, you can tell that something is amiss when you are holding four keys for a hotkey. Something feels wrong, you know? I guess I can put on blinders and a smile and not care though as the hotkey doesn't work for me.
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