Saturday, June 6, 2015


I've been going through the Aurelia tutorial here and I have the following dirty notes:

  • Get the latest node.js here.
  • Confirm the version of node at the command prompt with:
    npm -v
  • Install Gulp for builds and jspm for getting client-side packages with:
    npm install -g gulp
    npm install -g jspm
  • The tutorial suggests starting with the skeleton-navigation! It also suggests downloading the zip file from here, getting the one folder inside to your PC, and then renaming it to be: navigation-app
  • The next step is to open Node, open the command prompt as an Administrator, navigate to navigation-app and run npm install at the command prompt to bring in devDependencies as speced in packages.json in the root of navigation-app into play (install 'em) and then jspm install -y to install the dependencies stuff in the jspm spec in packages.json. This cantankerous stuff is likely to just break. Mine did. For jspm I see an error message suggesting I download git from
  • I tried to install selecting an option to allow for use at the command prompt. Afterwards, jspm install -y ran a little bit better and now I only see four console errors when I bring up the home page of the application.
  • jspm_packages/system.js is called out to on line 15 and it cannot be found! I tried to sidestep this by just making a new, empty file.
  • Uncaught ReferenceError: System is not defined ..shows up as an error in the other cases. The first of which is on the first line of config.js! Looks like I really need system.js! It looks like it loads ES6 modules. Can I get it at Maybe with npm install systemjs
  • \node_modules\systemjs\dist seems to contain system.js ...I'll copy it to jspm_packages ...still breaking trying to load bootstrapper though I am past the hurdle from a moment ago... the error: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.
  • This suggests that I need to set the app up as a web site and not run it from a file so I'll try that next I guess. (I know I'm talking to myself at this point in the notes.)
  • I'm past that problem, but now there are a bunch of other dependencies that system.js can't find.
  • I could try to manually download and set it up.... it and many other things are missing from the dist folder. Maybe it's time to cool my jets at this point. Perhaps I should try to set all this up in another environment???

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