Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Visio Workflows

I found Visio pretty ease to use for making workflows. I experimented today with making something like the workflow here and with just four of the tools showing at the right (Pointer, Connector, Text, and the Ellipse at the right of the Pointer) found at the Home tab in the main toolbar, I was able to make the workflow below in a blank drawing. I hardly ever play games, but I did enjoy a real time strategy game called Warlords Battlecry 2 a decade ago. One of the armies one could play was called "The Undead" and the basic troop was a skeleton. One could upgrade a skeleton into other types of troops as shown here. The workflow for as much is:

The process is so easy that it almost doesn't merit a blog posting. But, let me go into the trickiest stuff I could find. Let's see... when one uses the text tool, they need to remember to switch back to the pointer tool in the name of selecting an ellipse to copy and paste it. Also, use the pointer tool to right-click on a connector to change the shape of a connector line like so:

Right-click with the pointer tool to add an arrowhead to the end of a line like so:

A dialog box will appear to allow you to add arrowheads.

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