Friday, December 27, 2019

What's cooking in the kitchen?

I've learned the hard way that the jury is out as to whether or not a job is a good job until the day it ends. Today was my last day at ILM Services and I am pleased to report that it was a good job. Let me introduce you to some of the characters:

Dan Lehto is in the foreground of this 1/14/2019 photo and from left to right across the back are Jason "J" Erdahl, Jason Carlson, Matt McDonald, Luna Ahmed, and finally Amy Rempher with her back to us. We were celebrating five years of employment for Matt on this day.

Let's just focus on the faces showing in this photo. From left to right they are Alex Ryazhnov, Phil Nowak, Amy Rempher, Doug Little, and Brett Hazen. The photo is from 7/26/2019 and the occasion was a planning session for what the sessions should be for the 2019 Minnesota Developers Conference which was spearheaded by ILM (imagination, learning, mentorship).

Amy Rempher, Joe DeCock, Phil Nowak with his back to us, Dan Lehto, Chris Vitko, Justin Blake, and finally Matt McDonald are shown from left to right in this 11/22/2019 meeting for which there was both a Thanksgiving time potluck and later a discourse on 401K benefits that I didn't stick around for. Matt is hamming up the picture a little bit by being the one person in all three photos who realizes he is being photographed, but I forgive him.

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