Friday, October 18, 2019


If you work at ILM Services, at some point you go through a retech which is a second (or third or fourth) technical interview after the interview you passed to work at the company to begin with. The retech affects how much your stats go up and thus a raise that might be coming your way. It is an annual process. I learned a few things in my retech today.

  1. If you are to nest a common component in your outermost God module in an Angular project and then use it in components lazy-loaded via lazy-loaded modules later on, it has to go in the exports in the outermost God module. I do have something like this at my blog already but in that scenario I have a ceremonial module wrapping the component to be distributed to multiple lazy-loaded modules and components and the other module is looped in as applicable.
  2. View Encapsulation as a term could describe the boundaries that the ::ng-deep hack in Angular works around.
  3. In TypeScript a module is anything you can import.
  4. The "changed after it was checked" error message is a common heartache in Angular. It has to do with race conditions in Observables.
  5. If you have an autocomplete input trick set up and you are debouncing in advance of acting on Observable feedback in an Angular application, flattening the Observables out of Observable shape with .switchMap will make sure you get the return result from the last most actor if debounce spaces out three attempts, for example, to garner feedback. This prevents a race condition in which another actor wins. .mergeMap in contrast to .switchMap others no such safeguard while otherwise providing the same functionality of taking the Observable wrapper off of the pieces of candy being wrapped. rxjs-marbles is a testing library that helps with this and marbles as a term could be thought of as the three points along the timeline I suggest.
  6. Google AdSense is Google's biggest money-making revenue stream and it is written with Angular. With it advertisers push advertisements and Google's search algorithms help the advertisements reach the right audience.

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