Saturday, July 11, 2015

the "fat arrow" operator in ECMAScript 6

The old school self-equals-this way of handing this on as predictable state like so...

function superstructureSentence() {
   var self = this;
   return function(act) {
      var sentence = "The ";
      self.foxyAdjectives.forEach(function(f) {
         sentence = sentence + f + " ";
      sentence = sentence + "fox " + act + "s over the ";
      self.doggishAdjectives.forEach(function(d) {
         sentence = sentence + d + " ";
      alert(sentence + "dog.");
var glitz = {
   foxyAdjectives : ["quick", "red"],
   doggishAdjectives : ["lazy", "brown"]
var structureSentence =;


...may now be approached as follows with the arrow.

function superstructureSentence() {
   return (act) => {
      var sentence = "The ";
      this.foxyAdjectives.forEach(function(f) {
         sentence = sentence + f + " ";
      sentence = sentence + "fox " + act + "s over the ";
      this.doggishAdjectives.forEach(function(d) {
         sentence = sentence + d + " ";
      alert(sentence + "dog.");
var glitz = {
   foxyAdjectives : ["quick", "red"],
   doggishAdjectives : ["lazy", "brown"]
var structureSentence =;


I read about as much in "this & OBJECT PROTOTYPES" by Kyle Simpson! Both of these blobs of code give us two alerts, telling us:

  1. The quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown dog.
  2. The quick red fox fucks over the lazy brown dog.

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