Wednesday, July 29, 2015

BAI2 is a flat file format for communicating financial transactions and SAP uses these.

This suggests that the acronym stands for Bank Administration Institute. Each line starts with a single digit number. 1 denotes header/configuration. The lines between line 5 (open) and line 8 (close) are the various records and they will be broken into 6,4 pairs wherein 6 is the invoice and 4 is the payment. You can also have a 6,4,4 thing going on too wherein an invoice is paid down with two payments, etc. If there are enough records, the file has to be broken up into batches. All money is represented as one hundred times its corresponding currency's value in integers as a goofy way to sidestep having decimals. (They'd be commas in Española?) Thirteen dollars and forty-two cents is thus represented by 1342 and 67 yen (the Japanese currency is a zero-decimal currency) would be given as 6700.

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