Friday, May 29, 2015

four things to say regarding AngularJS

  1. seems like a pretty good getting started guide.
  2. is a guide for good code of sorts which Darryl Parker suggested in a comment while also offering:
  3. "While in Rome, do as the Romans do. While working with Angular, I suggest following the Angular patterns. Angular has it's own dependency injection that works really well. " response to a question I posed about whether it was wise to use an AMD pattern with Angular. I guess it is not wise.
  4. I saw Chander Dhall give a talk on "Best practices for scaling web apps (Platform Agnostic)" last night and he mentioned that he thinks Angular is dying. He said the two way binding has memory leaks and that the Angular team is to deal with it by just doing away with the two way binding in version 2.0. React is an emerging alternative. Chander seemed the most impressed with Aurelia however. A guy in the audience mentioned Meteor.js too. The link I provide here suggests it is of (tied to?) MongoDB and Node.js.

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