Friday, August 16, 2013

how transaction/rollback pain is handled in Oracle ERPland

Following this* my superior has looked into the two types of integration for remotely swapping assets...

  2. Interface

...and has concluded that the PL/SQL API approach won't fly. Oracle has a concept of "save points" which are checkpoints to roll back to in the name of a failure. The save point for the asset API call is set in a different genealogy-related call that we don't want to use. That throws out that approach. I do not think we could turn the save point stuff off if we wanted to, but regardless there is a real need to have transaction safety with asset swapping, as asset swapping entails "unassigning" an asset and then assigning a new one, two acts. What if something goes wrong in-between?

*More on Oracle eBusiness Suite's Assets: The screen for managing assets is confusing. If an asset has an end date, it isn't really an asset, it is a historical note of an asset's now done history with the other asset it "sat within." Only assets without current end dates are really assigned to the assets they "sit at."

In the interface table approach, two records will be put in the table, one to update the asset being disassociated and one to add a new asset to the parental asset at hand. There is a column for denoting the update or insert act. The two records will be processed together by an "import process" and thus will succeed or fail together. However there isn't really any feedback to be had if the import process fails (no alert) and what is more I think the import process has to be run manually at eBusiness suite. I might be wrong about that and maybe there is a way to run it on a timer. It would be best if we could just force what is in the interface table to resolve right away. There may be an API call for that for assets. There is NOT a way to do this for other things such as inventory items.

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