Saturday, March 9, 2013

I created

You may download my goofy hexagons thing which I am so proud of there. Yes, this means that I am on GitHub as of today. I have been working with TFS since August of 2011 when I really started populating this blog and I did not really have an interest in GitHub, but it is one of those things that all the other geeks are into and I'm spineless and I like to conform. I have not yet been able to make sense of using the shell and commands like git add --all or git push origin master but otherwise GitHub is so easy to use, it almost does not merit a blog posting. Here is one anyways however. Things I could say are:

  • lets you download the client.
  • I created a repository and the client told me that only .gitattributes and .gitignore were in the repository. I wondered where my local files sat and then I found them at C:\Users\Thomas\Documents\GitHub\hexagons
  • I had to open .gitignore and clean out its contents to be able to commit the bin folder within an ASP.NET project. GitHub will assume that you do not want to check in certain files and folders and .gitignore keeps the rules for as much. Naturally, you likely do not wish to commit the bin folder normally, so these rules generally make sense.
  • "1 publish" at top navigation is link that will let you push your local commits to the repository beyond your workstation or laptop. I would bet the "1" is subject to change.

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