Sunday, January 6, 2019

random stupidity

I'll share a couple of random adventures with you. I was just at Uptown Diner tonight and one of these guys brought in a brown bag of food from elsewhere and planned to eat from it at the table with his friends. A waitress told him he could not bring in outside food and eat it inside so he stood outside of the window at the table and ate with his friends that way.

On August 1st of last year, I got my new apartment in Eden Prairie, Minnesota and then went to Wal-Mart to buy stuff for the apartment. As I checked out there was a mom ahead of me in line who got her grocery order somehow so severely tangled up that it took three different cashiers a while to unscrewup the cash register. While this was going on the mom wasn't watching her kids. She was just sort of staring off into space and zoning out, done for the day.

Eventually, the attention of the oldest of the three kids here drifted away from those dolls and up to the cans of Off! He sprayed a circular damp spot onto the palm of one of his hands and smelled it before sticking his tongue out for a taste of the minty goodness and which point I screamed "DON'T PUT THAT IN YOUR MOUTH! IT'S POISON!" and it made for a fun moment because I didn't just scare the hell out of these kids. I scared all of the adults around me too.

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