Friday, August 31, 2018

rouge app fail

Preethi Janakarajan who worked for Sumi Tharasingh at Veterans Affairs surprised me by wishing me a belated Happy Birthday this week. (I turned 44 a week ago today.) While we were at Veterans Affairs someone must have let her go crazy building some tables off to one side in the database of a larger app for her own purposes. This instead of taking her app seriously. She was just given a little play place off to one side. I don't need to tell you why this is bad, do I? Eventually, I had to work on the real app that "owned" that database and I got some code promoted into the various environments for it and all of her stuff was wiped out. Because it was some "little side project" (and the lesson here is to not treat projects as "little side projects") she didn't notice until a month later. I remember going into the backroom where administrators tried to pull archives and it was too late to get a snapshot. I think she did her thing outside of production so the other environment just didn't have a rich history of backups as it wasn't taken as seriously. I'm sorry Preethi!

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