Tuesday, August 7, 2018

An analyst should bake stories at least a week in advance of developers working on them in an Agile process.

Chewing things up into swallowable chunks in this manner, and getting the requirements rolled, and furthermore being out front ahead of things proactively by dedicating a dedicated role to as much keeps the team from falling into a lull or others going: "What do I do?" In a recent project, one UX talent rolled off the team and was replaced by a fresh face who didn't have the political skill to get mock ups approved quickly and there ended up being a two month lull. This could have been avoided if we weren't doing things the waterfall way and we had started with baking stories. The same project went into red status when, after five months of work, the data team had nothing to show and there had to be an admission out loud that the guess at a timeline to begin with was bad. This sort of thing can be caught before five months slip by if an analyst bakes stories. When a three point story takes one hundred points to do, something is awry and you need to course correct.

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