Sunday, December 31, 2017

December Queso

  1. uTorrent is KaZaAesque torrent stuff.
  2. is a payment gateway.
  3. Zend is another OOP for the web framework.
  4. SparkNotes is some sort of series of study guides like CliffsNotes only online and for free.
  5. The new Honda Accord apparently has a little bin you can just toss your smartphone into to have it charge.
  6. IFTTT stands for "IF This Then That" and is a tool for conditional logic chains to get apps and devices to work together.
  7. "Lorem ipsum" is the name of sorts for a blob of copy that reads "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." if Wikipedia is accurate and obviously the name comes from the first two words. This is Latin and when translated to English has some things to say about pleasure/pain and seeking one and avoiding another and so on. It is used as a dummy blob of copy in Photoshop layouts of what a web page could look like and other similar presentation comps of that ilk.
  8. Image sprites as a concept are pieces of an image. If you have an image file that contains several images you wish to show standalone and then you use CSS tricks to just paint the background of a div with a piece of the bigger image to show only one image... well then you are getting into the art of image sprites. The reason to have four tiny emoji images side by side in one .gif file and then fake it like they are four separate images by cropping what a user sees is for performance. The expensive of an HTTP call could be profoundly greater than any one of the tiny images and you could be cutting download time for the four images together in half with this trick. The way to really make the most of this stuff is to have one big "sheet" of little images that gets downloaded once.
  9. Garmin makes devices for navigation, things you may keep in your car that tell you where to go, etc.
  10. href is hypertext reference abbreviated and rel is relation
  11. The chipset is the integrated circuit managing workflows in a computer. It is the traffic cop waving traffic on in one direction and/or bringing it to a stop in other ways.
  12. SSDs are solid state drives using solid state storage.
  13. In overclocking one runs a processor/CPU faster than is safe and risks overheating! Out of the box NVIDIA graphics cards with a K in their name allow for overclocking. An X in the name just means that this is the latest and greatest, a top end processor.
  14. ERMAHGERD shows up in memes. It's a rednecky "Oh, my God!"
  15. Coinbase when hit by a distributed denial of services attack froze accounts with Litecoin (trading the highest) so that parties could not cash out. This did not happen with other coins. Super shady.
  16. Swapping out a motherboard at your PC means you'll have to reinstall Windows.
  17. MHTML a.k.a. MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML Documents allows for hammering stuff in external links like Java applets and Flash movies right into an HTML page as embedded gunk.
  18. Messenger (or Facebook Messenger) has a rival in GroupMe.
  19. JS Charts is a set of scripts of charting.
  20. Craig's List is like an eBay type forum for selling things online. There are regional markets and if you are buying in Austin from someone in Austin you can probably just go pick whatever-it-is up from the guy in Austin in person without having to go through the hassle of shipping and packaging for the shipping, etc. Freecycle is a comparable network for just giving unwanted stuff away.
  21. Ledger Nano S is a hardware wallet for Bitcoins and the like.
  22. EOS or Entrepreneurial Operating System is a set of tools for the C suite of an organization to measure things and feel good about themselves.
  23. Bluebeam is for editing PDFs.
  24. Splunk lets you do realtime searches of software logs at any device imaginable.
  25. The trophy for the worst thing I've seen professionally goes to Azuma, a company that leases washing machines and driers to apartment renters in Austin, Texas. Instead of using something like QuickBooks for their accounting software they had rolled their own thing in Corel Paradox to tie into their other processes. However, a close second, and certainly the worst thing I've seen in .NET is an application written for EqualLogic before they were acquired by Dell. Developers were allowed to do whatever they wanted and thus this was a web forms app that was hodgepodge of web form code behinds and classes written in both VB.NET and C#! A lot of common functionality was written twice, once in C# and once in VB.NET. A class that did something cornerstone had two files in two languages. Recently, I have been replaying in my head a conversation I recall having with a coworker about this (I explained the situation to another years after the fact.) wherein she suggested that such a circumstance shouldn't be a big deal as both languages compile down to CLR and that a sort of compatibility between VB.NET and C# was the whole point of .NET in general to begin with. Certainly, if you have a project in a solution that can compile and that project then ends up making a .dll, the .dll, without regard to whether it was made by C#, made by VB.NET, or made with a mix of the two should be consumable from another project in a Visual Studio solution with code that is either of C# or of VB.NET. That much is true. I feel compelled to explain the distinction with the EqualLogic project and this model however. In the EqualLogic project there were not multiple projects in the solution or deferments to .dlls. Instead the UI project was the whole app and the whole of the solution. When I attempted to get not yet complied C# to speak to not complied VB I had no luck, and, obviously, no one who came before me could get that working either. IntelliSense wouldn't accommodate, and if you ignored it and just typed in something to get things working, the compiler couldn't compile.
  26. Tile, as an app, helps you sync your phone with a little, well, tile so that your phone can find the tile through geolocation means. You may put the tile in your car and then freely forget where you parked at the mall, etc. You may find your wallet if you get separated from it and what not.
  27. Javadoc makes documentation for Java apps. I think you may use its documentation to drive something akin to IntelliSense too.
  28. StayFocusd is a Chrome plugin that keeps you from browsing beyond one target website for more than fifteen minutes a day. In order to turn it back off you have to retype like a five sentance paragraph perfectly.
  29. Apple has rolled out an update that intentionally makes older phones run slower. Officially, this is to make your battery life last longer, but I can tell you first hand that my battery is draining all the faster. This update is to make you buy a new phone in frustration. There is going to be a class action lawsuit.

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