Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May Queso

  1. Elon Musk is a would be avant-garde businessman who owns Tesla and SpaceX. SpaceX has a goal of sending human beings to Mars.
  2. The old challenge of opening two Excel sheets side by side no longer seems to be challenging at all in Windows 10. You may just have two separate instances open, no worries. I does not seem as though you may however drag a tab from one file to another. I guess you have to make a new tab at the destination and then copy and paste the guts of the tab to the new locale.
  3. The PMP (Project Management Professional) Certification is often sought by... project managers.
  4. Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada are three of the major languages and ethnic groups of south India I think. I have a friend who is a Telugu and I asked her if all south Indians were Telugus (thought of Bollywood versus Tollywood) and she came back with this in response. While there are just a handful of major ethnicities in the south, in the north there are so many that if you say I'm a Whatever, it doesn't mean anything to anyone the way saying I'm a Telugu might and so Indians from the north just refer to themselves as Indians while Telugus call themselves Telugus though they are also Indians. In tech, I meet a lot of Indians here on H-1B visas and they seem like pretty awesome human beings. Chill out on curtailing H-1B visas President Trump. You would not have met your wife without them. Malayalam might be a fourth major flavor of the south.
  5. Adobe Photoshop Elements is a lightweight version of Photoshop that you may own outright beyond a subscription service.
  6. There is a "Pause Capture" button at the upper left of the Http Debugger Pro version 7.4 interface which will allow you to stop all of the pings out to other things from spooling up in the main window. It switches to a "Start Capture" button when clicked which turns back on the fire hose.
  7. If you snip something with the snipping tool in Windows 10 it will be in the clipboard. You don't have to save your snip. Instead you may just use Ctrl-V to put the imagry somewhere.
  8. .toLowerCase() and .toUpperCase() do to strings what you might expect in JavaScript.
  9. Ashley Madison is the cheating web site that was hacked in 2015 by "The Impact Team" who published the details and data of the users online.
  10. Smug Wendy is a meme theme that came out last month which depicts Wendy Thomas of Wendy's logo branding as an anime chick. Fun! (I'm a hipster for finding this.)
  11. A test harness is going to entail more than one test to test various paths through the thing being tested.
  12. Robinhood ( is a mobile app for stock trading without paying a fee.
  13. Ziosk is the table ordering tablet you use to pay for your meal at the Olive Garden. You may swipe a credit card at it, etc.
  14. Amadeus e-travel Management is some sort of book flights and hotels app.
  15. del whatever Powershell is a command to throw away a folder and everything inside of it. I guess this is an old DOS command that is still supported. The modern day magic is: remove-item -Recurse -Force whatever
  16. has deviant art.
  17. t-shirt sizes in scrum is a way to get started without Fibonacci numbers, a dumber, easier way to estimate.
  18. quasi means "kinda like" as opposed to pseudo which just means fake.
  19. DNS stands for: domain name system
  20. ng just stands for Angular.
  21. Movie Maker in Windows 10 lets you make little films from your video clips and photos.
  22. As a concept, referential integrity is a data/SQL notion of the dependent keys being able to look up the parents the keys reference. The parent should not just not be there.
  23. Catapult Systems is an Austin, Texas consultancy not unlike... oh, a few others I can think of. They were a big name fifteen years ago. I don't hear of them anymore.
  24. A whitewashed photograph is overexposed.
  25. Imagine a restaurant run by a pig and a chicken named "Ham and Eggs" ...well the pig would have a much bigger, more grave role to play than the chicken. A "chicken talking" in a Scrum discussion represents a party who is not a stakeholder monopolizing too much of the discussion and inappropriately affecting the outcome.
  26. status and statuses are both legit plural forms of status
  27. Something the movie "Dancer, Texas Pop. 81" taught me is that a number in parenthesis is a negative number in accounting.
  28. You must pull a branch from TFS before you can pull a changeset for it.
  29. I had a Comcast/Xfinity internet connection set up. The tech told me that if I have to reset the router all the time that it is likely an ingress issue caused by a bad connector.
  30. It used to be possible, and maybe it still is, to run TypeScript at the browser in IE without compiling it to JavaScript. I don't recommend it.
  31. Is it better to ask permission or beg forgiveness? The later is a little more clandestine.
  32. For DVI cables DVI stands for: Digital Visual Interface
  33. When you are using a guest wireless it is likely than only port 80 will be opened up. You probably can't FTP from Starbucks.
  34. If you pull down two TFS projects in a workspace, when you go to commit at the "Team Explorer" tab in Visual Studio you will be in the awkward position of committing the two things. Try not to muddy things together in this way.
  35. Scope creep and feature creep are the same thing, ballooning requirements. Both are creepy!
  36. Acceptance criteria are specs for a tester testing a story to approve the story.
  37. "Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32." as a TFS error means that you have an unsaved file you are trying to commit.
  38. Xrefs in Autodesk AutoCAD entail the insertion of a drawing into a drawing.
  39. Bullpen is another name for a war room, a common area where the "sit together" principle of Agile is undertook.
  40. Drumbeat was some sort of old, turn-of-the-millennium eCommerce software package.
  41. Threat modeling is a process for finding vulnerabilities.
  42. Y2K stands for year two thousand and in this context it, as a catchphrase, had to do with fears of a would-be capricious change in the arena of computers when clocks on computers switched from 1999 to 2000 and computers "thought" it was the year 1900 due to years being kept as two digit numbers. Nothing happened.
  43. SourceTree is an Atlassian Bitbucket client.
  44. DM stands for direct message.
  45. AsusTek Computer Inc. is yet another Dell or HP or Gatewayesque computer manufacturer. (ASUS)
  46. Google Pixel is a very generic variant of the Android Phone, perhaps the most generic.
  47. React Native's tag line is "Build native mobile apps using JavaScript and React" making me wonder how that's even possible.
  48. In Postman you may save API calls and share libraries of the saved calls with others. Fun, fun!
  49. Slackbots are helpful for getting you to say things in chat. Imagine a bot which asks you what you did every day for standup, etc.
  50. Slack, Atom (a text editor like Sublime) and Postman are all made with Electron, a tool for making a sister desktop app for the HTML and JavaScript app you have for the web that merely talks to a "backend" over API calls.
  51. Hurdlr is an app for receipts and getting reimbursed while MileIQ tracks mileage
  52. ServiceNow is a helpdesk app.
  53. Viewpoint is accounting software for, typically, the construction industry that is so big in scope that it is also an ERP. It is nothing but MSSQL (sprocs and triggers and tables) and you may extend it and add your own custom tables and such.
  54. Regression tests verify not just that the new stuff you just added works but that all of the software developed to date works.
  55. In the Google Maps API you may program in your own symbol to use instead of a pin and also when a bunch of pins sit right on top of each other making the labels unreadable, this mess may be replaced with a number for the number of the pins there which goes away as you zoom in wherein you would then instead see the individual pins spaced out.
  56. Uber will ask you to provide smartphone photos of your driver's license, your insurance, and your license plate, and them make sense of them (validate them) before blessing you as a driver.
  57. Google Drive lets you store stuff in a cloud. Duh.
  58. WannaCry is some sort of ransomware virus.
  59. Microsoft Teams is Microsoft's answer to Slack.
  60. OS/2 was an operating system from IBM. You ran a bank with it.
  61. Tickets in JIRA are sort of like tasks in Rally in that they make up a story. You may click on (select) a ticket and then click E (equivalent to "Edit" from the menu that flies out from the three dots at the upper right) to open it or click on (select) a ticket and then click W (equivalent to "Log Work" at the menu) to enter time against it.
  62. Windows 3.1 was not an operating system. You ran it inside of DOS.
  63. Flexicious is another UI grid thing.
  64. Alt-F12 in WebStorm is going to open a "terminal window" where you may do npm commands instead of opening an independent PowerShell window. Alt-F12 can also close a terminal window. Ctrl-Shift-N in WebStorm will let you find a file like Ctrl-N in ReSharper. Files seem to automatically save in WebStorm.
  65. Auth0 uses JWT (JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Web Tokens) tokens for authentication and these may be passed to .NET Core Web API endpoints.
  66. .toLocaleString() and .toLocaleString('en-US') and such format a date in JavaScript.
  67. Ctrl-. in Visual Studio will find a missing namespace directive anymore, the thing you used to HAVE to HAVE ReSharper for.
  68. Ctrl-Shift-F in WebStorm is for finding "project" wide (i.e. the root folder down).
  69. You may assign styles but not assign or remove classes with a media query.
  70. A reset.css CSS file typically tries to enforce some common standards across browsers like for padding, etc.
  71. Apache Flex (formerly Adobe Flex) is a RIA (rich internet application) tool like Flash or Silverlight.
  72. MyFitnessPal is an app that will allow you to punch in what you're eating, assuming you're eating at a chain restaurant and not some hole-in-the-wall place, and it will help you count calories based on the canned meals there.
  73. Pomodoro technique has you working 25 minutes then taking a five minute break, etc.
  74. There is a way to debug a Node process like npm start in WebStorm like what goes on the the systemjs.config.js file, etc.
  75. The green plus sign at a terminal window in WebStorm opens a new terminal window tab.
  76. Commodore 64 and IBM PCjr were computers I goofed off with as a child in the 1980s. 1974, the year I was born, the first year of the Ramones and thus the first year of punk rock and also the first year of Dungeons & Dragons, is the year of the computer revolution. Herein average Joe could own a computer for his home for the first time. The computers weren't just huge things that corporations only owned. The first offerings were kits of parts advertised in the ads in the back of magazines. You had to assemble a behemoth after it was delivered to you. Computers though available in the 1970s weren't really trendy until the 1980s though.
  77. Debian is yet another operating system.
  78. Emmet is a plugin for a lot of text editors that has some shortcut helper stuff.
  79. To rename a file in WebStorm, right-click on it in the Project pane and pick the "Rename..." option beneath "Refactor" and all referencing TypeScript files will have their imports updated automatically!
  80. Paint 3D is some sort of Windows 10 better version of Paint.
  81. Git BASH allows for you to use Linux commands... with GitHub. It is a shell.
  82. Esc closes the global find window (Ctrl-Shift-F) in WebStorm.
  83. Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) Tools were a way to design software. I guess its a 1990s thing.
  84. is kinda stupid.
  85. Snagit is some sort of screengrabbing tool.
  86. Amiga was a line of old Commodore computers.
  87. Ctrl+S saves a file in most Windows apps.
  88. .HasValue off of a nullable type's variable in C# will tell you, true or false, if the thing is not null.
  89. X-Tag is some sort of HTML helper with a swath of polyfills.
  90. Océ is a brand of large format printers.
  91. The pound sign led variables for denoting a control will behave, scoped to the immediate element, inside an *ngFor loop in Angular 2. They will not get confused across different instances with the same name or anything. If you want to put the value of a text type input in a span right by it in the midst of a loop of many text type inputs and sister spans, it will be just fine.
  92. WebStorm will put squiggly red lines under file names in the Project pane where your TypeScript cannot compile.
  93. You cannot call a method with three things in its signature with just two hand-ins like you may in plain Jane JavaScript in TypeScript. In regular JavaScript the third item would just end up falsey empty.
  94. Bumble is yet another dating app, and in this app the girl has to pick a guy first before the guy can interact with her. Grindr is that gay dating app.
  95. When absolute positioning seems to sabotage a dropdown list from being openable in Google Chrome, try setting the z-index higher at the same spot as the absolute positioning.
  96. Ternary expressions are legit in TypeScript.
  97. OpenCms was an only CMS. It is Java-flavored. I guess it is still around.
  98. CRM stands for customer relationship management in the SalesForce sense.
  99. MAS 90 is old accounting software.
  100. (click) is a good event for buttons in Angular 2.
  101. Pascal is a scripting language named for Blaise Pascal, a 15th century French mathematician, and I'd imagine Pascal case is named for the scripting language.
  102. is an old documentary about a failed tech startup. The movie never explicitly states why the startup failed, but when you here secondhand stories about this movie the guy telling you about it will embellish. It's an interesting phenomenon.
  103. Sim sickness is a woozy feeling from playing a First Person Shooter and finding it all too real. Sim is short for simulator.
  104. (blur) is a good event to call to make something happen when leaving a text type input in the Angular 2 space.
  105. John Goodman was in a game. It was a spoof of Myst called Pyst. I've never played it.
  106. The Sumerians had a base 60 numbering system.
  107. Illustrate! was a plugin for 3D Studio Max which tried to port your animations to Macromedia Flash (now Adobe Flash) movies.

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