Tuesday, May 30, 2017

getting used to Atlassian SourceTree

GitFlow lets you branch. It will either bring up a little dialog with many button in it including "Start New Feature" or it will have just two buttons in it, "Finish Feature" and "Other Action..." and "Other Action..." must be clicked to get at the "Start New Feature" button which is what you want either way in either scenario.

Fetch will crawl everything you might pull and tell you how many changes there are to pull. "All Branches" may be changed to "Current Branch" and it will make things a lot less confusing.


Addendum 5/31/2017: Go to "Settings" and then "Advanced" in Atlassian SourceTree to set what your friendly name at commits will be for a given project. This is NOT a global setting. It is project specific. Also, where you might stage or unstage changes you may pick a change and click on a "Stash" button that will appear at the upper nav. The stashes end up in the left most pane with all of your branches. You have to merge in a stash to get a stash into another branch. This is a lifesaver when you realize that you've just been working in the wrong branch.

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