Wednesday, May 17, 2017

I've moved to Houston.

Well, Deer Park, Texas technically. It's an H-Town border town full of cops! Today was the first day at a new job. A coworker starting the same day as me is part of the production of a periodic podcast called "What's good, Houston?!" which you can find on SoundCloud (a service like Stickler and Blueberry) here. Maybe I should listen and ramp up, huh? It's only been one day but already I've learned the following new things about Angular 2:

  1. <mfDefaultSorter by="name">Name</mfDefaultSorter> is an example of using the mfDefaultSorter functionality of the DataTableModule module suggested at for making table columns easily sortable.
  2. The Sing App is good for cannibalizing code from.
  3. Observable<Response> is going to catch from an API call the actual HTTP response with the response code and everything and not just the JSON object handed back.
  4. There is now an Ionic 2 for making mobile apps with Angular 2.
  5. You may have an banana box configuration on a model handed in at a component's selector tag for two way databinding against the model inside of the component and the model at the Russian doll wrapping the component (a different component) it like so: <whatever [(ngModel)]="selectedThing"></whatever>


Addendum 6/8/2017: A mfDefaultSorter by value may have dots in it to drill into properties on nested objects.

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