Sunday, March 5, 2017

using enums in TypeScript takes some getting used to

enum Nordic {
let noTrees: number = Nordic['Iceland'];
let highestStandardOfLiving: Nordic = 3;


This code will cause four alerts which sequentially will contain the following:

  1. 2
  2. Iceland
  3. 3
  4. Norway


And, respectively, these four alerts show off:

  1. how to fish out a value from an enum with a magic string
  2. how to fish out the string value from an enum with a number
  3. how to set a enum with a number
  4. how to fish out the string value from an enum with the enum setting


Note that the line up above reading...

let highestStandardOfLiving: Nordic = 3;


...could become...

let highestStandardOfLiving: Nordic = Nordic.Norway;


...and the four alerts would be the same. Also note that when you talk from exclusively JavaScript into TypeScript as you might in Angular 1 with Angular 2 hodgepodges you have to set enums by just using the number encoding. There is no way to set with a friendly name in the name of readable code from the JavaScript side.

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