Saturday, March 25, 2017

You can have a bit of a stylesheet inline in an Angular 2 component though I don't recommend it really.

This has a list of metadata properties available for a component such as selector, templateUrl, and providers and one of them is "styles" and this should have a setting with square braces and backticks inside of the square braces and CSS styles (just as they would appear in a stylesheet) inside of the backticks. The metadata properties for components are:

  1. animations
  2. changeDetection
  3. encapsulation
  4. entryComponents
  5. exportAs
  6. host
  7. inputs
  8. interpolation
  9. moduleId
  10. outputs
  11. providers
  12. queries
  13. selector
  14. styleUrls
  15. styles
  16. template
  17. templateUrl
  18. viewProviders

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