Saturday, March 4, 2017

HTTP Debugger Pro v7.11 and SoapUI 5.3.0 play nicely together.

HTTP Debugger Pro is like the better Telerik's Fiddler which costs fifty bucks instead of being free. It is good for sniffing XML packets sent in SOAP requests and what not. It will progressively fill up a display with line items that represent the various calls out in traffic like Fiddler will.

  1. Click on a line item for a POST method type request.
  2. Click at the lower left click on the "Content" tab to see the XML being sent over the wire as the details for the outgoing request.
  3. In SmartBear's SoapUI click on the "Projects" at the upper right and add a new SOAP project.
  4. Paste in the URL advertised at your line item back at HTTP Debugger Pro and then bolt ?wsdl onto the end to get the WSDL.
  5. From the BasicHttpBindings find the method you are calling from C#, right-click upon it, and make a new request.
  6. At SoapUI, paste the XML from step 2 into the left side of the request window and then press the green arrow to hydrate the right side with the data that roundtrips back to you.
  7. Doctor up the XML at the left as need be to try different things to experiment with different results. This seventh step makes SOAP UI really easy to work with once you are on the other side of the first six.

A whois lookup for suggests that someone named Khachatur Petrosyan owns it.

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