Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Charlize Theron movie "Young Adult" has inspired me to write a book.

This film came out in 2011 and while it wasn't exactly inspirational insofar that it changed my life or nuthin' it did inspire me. I found my mind circling back to the ending for some time after I saw the film, and eventually I scratched the itch I had. In this movie Charlize Theron plays a thirty-something who writes easy-to-read, fluffy, teen fiction books which are crap in terms of literature. Her pen has been playing her bills and she lives in some big, modern city somewhere. She is professionally successful even if otherwise restlessly dissatisfied...

...but I'm wandering off topic as that really doesn't have anything to do with what I have to say. Anyhow, eventually our hero visits the tiny little town she is originally from and at the end of the film one of the little people from the little town tells her that she should feel really good about her work as no one else from that little town could have written a book! I thought about it and realized that I could write a hundred page crap novel that's less-than-Steinbeck, and then I could say that I've written a book. It's done as of today. Well, at least I have a first pass done. If you find a typ0 in it I won't be surprised. It's not Steinbeck. It's a rip-off of ideas from all of the bad horror and science fiction movies I grew up on. I hope you enjoy it! I made to show it off, and I may make this web site better over time. Dunno. It's pretty quick and dirty as it is, but you can read what I've got there.

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