Monday, February 2, 2015

disabling fields you don't want to edit in inline editing within DevExpress 13.1.9 grids in an aesthetic way

If you decorate a dx:GridViewDataColumn with ReadOnly="true" at the .aspx or .ascx markup the form field one sees when inline editing with still be a form field of a type="text" shape with readonly slapped upon it. These uneditable fields do not read as uneditable to the eye. Wouldn't it be best to have a label instead of a disabled input? Yes. First use this event:

MyGrid.HtmlRowPrepared += MyGrid_HtmlRowPrepared;


...and then give the event some code to swap out the readonly input fields:

private void MyGrid_HtmlRowPrepared(object sender,
      ASPxGridViewTableRowEventArgs e)
      ASPxTextBox usernameControl = (ASPxTextBox)e.Row.Cells[0].Controls[0];
      ASPxDateEdit lastLoginControl = (ASPxDateEdit)e.Row.Cells[7].Controls[0];
      usernameControl.Visible = false;
      lastLoginControl.Visible = false;
      ASPxLabel userNameLabel = new ASPxLabel();
      userNameLabel.Value = usernameControl.Value;
      userNameLabel.CssClass = "whatever";
      ASPxLabel lastLoginLabel = new ASPxLabel();
      lastLoginLabel.Value = String.Format("{0:M/d/yyyy}", lastLoginControl.Value);
      lastLoginLabel.CssClass = "whatever";


...dropping the username which is also the KeyFieldName came with some consequence. Stuff like this at the RowUpdating...

foreach (User user in _users.Where(user => user.Username ==
      e.OldValues[0].ToString())) {


...had to be reshaped like so:

foreach (User user in _users.Where(user => user.Username == e.Keys[0].ToString())) {

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