Friday, December 19, 2014

hard and soft controls for adjusting audio at an iPhone

Today's story:

  • Just two days ago I upgraded the iOS on my iPhone 4S to 8.1.2 (12B440) and found that video clips at YouTube (which now must be downloaded separate of default, baked-in apps) and Vine played audio at muted levels.
  • I found the soft control for the audio levels (a slider at "Sounds" under "Settings") and cranked it up, but this still did not return things to full blast (welcome to my world).
  • I convinced myself that there must be a second slider somewhere for video and when I couldn't Google my way into finding it I broke down and went to the Apple store today. It was pointed out to me that the physical volume control at the upper left of my phone was the other, hard control for audio and I was able to "turn things up to ten" by pressing its buttons.
  • I've had my phone for three years now and I had completely forgotten that the physical controls were even there because I never adjust them. If you make the big leap from 5.1.1 (9B206) to 8.1.2 (12B440) like I just did you may find the setting for the physical audio controls reset to a midstream default!

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