Monday, March 17, 2014

imposture syndrome and conversations with crowds

Adam Savage was one of the keynotes this year at South by Southwest. He is on a TV show called MythBusters which I think I have seen maybe one time. The theme of the show has to do with trying to disprove junk science with real science, I think. His talk suggested that art and science are bedfellows and that they coexist nicely. Much of the theme conflicted completely with that of this other talk I saw earlier. The talk was kind of fluffy. He just wanted you to see art and science as awesome. Beyond that, a lot of the assertions he made were rather vapid and rather unscientific. He got a big applause when he wished aloud that schools would spend as much money on science fairs as they do on sports programs. He also wished that STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) as both an education lobby and high ideal was STEAM instead of STEM. An A would get added for Art in his ideal. He said it was awful that the first things to go in a school budget are arts and hands on science experiments. He said that a conversation you have with one other person is better than the one you have with a crowd. He said that we all have imposture syndrome and it keeps us working hard as we are all trying to escape feeling stupid and illegitimate.

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