Tuesday, September 17, 2013

a better posting on JavaScript's !! thing

It has been pointed out to me that this posting is bad. The double exclamation points are not an operator in and of themselves. Instead, they are two ! operators. This scenario...

return !foo ? 42 : 13;


...is going to return 42 if foo is zero/false/undefined (see this for more) and 13 otherwise. When we add an extra exclamation mark like so...

return !!foo ? 42 : 13;


...we are just doing the opposite. The !! is akin to the null coalescing operator of C# in effect (in this example in tandem with the question mark in that the question mark starts behaving like the double question marks of C#) and thus is a little easier for someone like me who knew C# before JavaScript to read. The first (right) exclamation does a conversion from what may be to a boolean type. The second (left) exclamation just flips that value. Thanks to grnndaddy for this explanation.

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