Friday, April 19, 2019

I have some notes from a PowerShell powwow today.

  1. get-verb will give you a list of the verbs.
  2. TIOBE (The Importance of Being Earnest) is an index of what programming languages are most popular and PowerShell the scripting language is now being seen as a programming language and is ranking in position 45 out of 50, on the charts for the first time.
  3. get-command may be used for narrowing in on a command (IntelliSense) though you have to feed it something to get it started and you may also call a PowerShell module with this command to narrow in on a function in the module.
  4. Make is a build tool and rake, jake, psake, etc. sort of make inspired language-specific variants.
  5. import-module followed by a path to a module will import a module and a module is just a .ps1 file full of PowerShell functions that has been renamed to a .psm1 extension. Once you import a module you may call its functions as they are in memory there in the shell.
  6. .psd1 is for a PowerShell manifest and you may loop in numerous modules in a manifest.
  7. RootModule = "MyModule.psm1" in a manifest dictates the first module to load.
  8. PowerShell 7 will be based off of .NET Core 3.
  9. import-manifest followed by a path to a manifest will import a manifest.

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