Tuesday, July 17, 2018

yet more notes

  • IBM FileNet Content Manager is an old tool for managing files in directories.
  • You may create a backlog in Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) into which you may put things and have backlog groomings to stack up work to be done. In this paradigm a story is referred to as a PBI or product backlog item.
  • Power BI is a business intelligence service/tool from Microsoft kinda like SSRS only more modern, better, etc.
  • The Activator Class in regards to C#'s reflection will create a new class via reflection at runtime. This is how you do it from your code.
  • In the SharePoint API there is a distinction between the server-side object model and the client-side object model. Office 365 must mesh with the client-side object model.
  • W3WP (w3wp.exe) is the Windows workers' process often attached to when debugging through IIS. The W3 part should just mean www and of the web. Think World Wide Web Consortium and their W3C standards.
  • Referential Integrity at the database high level as a concept is the whole notion that if I have a reference to a primary key of one table in a secondary column in a different table (for example addresses are joined to or references to people in a classic dummy Rolodex application) that when I try to reach out to a referenced record that it will be there. (You cannot just delete an address from SQL if a person "has" the address. Expect an error coming back to you when you try. You would need to either do away with the reference or delete the person first.)
  • Table-valued variables in T-SQL are just what they sound like. These are the TABLE type variables with the leading at symbol notation. When you execute a stored procedure that takes one of these as an input you need to make such a variable outside of your stored procedure, do your inserts, and then call the sproc like so:
    EXEC dbo.myStoredProcedure @MyTable

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