Thursday, November 30, 2017

November Queso

  1. The Iron Yard Academy is closing all shops.
  2. A would be merger between Sprint and T-Mobile has fallen apart.
  3. Log4j is a Java-based logging utility.
  4. "I Am Rich" is an old iPhone app that cost $999.99 and did nothing.
  5. Rover is like Airbnb for pet sitting.
  6. In 2000, SharePoint was orginally WSS or Windows SharePoint Services.
  7. Smartsheet is software as a service kind of like both SharePoint and Excel.
  8. Airtable lets you collaborate in an Excel sheet format "in the air" and then use an API call to save the records off to a database.
  9. Bitcoin is a kind of cryptocurrency and Coinbase is a wallet for cryptocurrency. Litecoin and Ethereum are other types of cryptocurrency.
  10. There is a way to use ref variables with a standalone delegate in C# even if you cannot do so with a Func or an Action.
  11. Tableau Software makes software for buisness intelligence.
  12. There are no semicolons in CoffeeScript!
  13. J2EE (Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition) is a run anywhere (Mac, Windows, etc.) Java-flavored development thingamabob (platform) for the web with some canned APIs, JavaBeans, and support for HTML and Java applets.
  14. ZeroMQ is a messaging library for distributed/SOA challenges.
  15. Bamboo is a kind of continuous integration server.
  16. @whatever and @.whatever are both equal and equal to this.whatever in CoffeeScript.
  17. Nullable reference types are coming in C# and this means that the regular reference types will cease being nullable breaking a lot of existing code should you turn this on. The idea is that it will be less painful to go forward this way.
  18. White is a tool for testing WPF and WinForms.
  19. Kentico is a CMS.
  20. You may burn a Blu-ray Disc not unlike how you might have burned a CD a dozen years ago.
  21. T-Mobile will flag applicable text messages as "Scam Likely" when appropriate.
  22. GraphQL is a Facebook-made query language not unlike SQL. See how they both have QL in common?
  23. is a site like for finding a job. It is, after, probably the second biggest player in this space.
  24. The OpenAPI Specification is the name for what was Swagger but is now OpenAPI. Stripe is an API for Ruby-with-Sinatra-flavored web sites.
  25. is an immediate link for a free version of Visual Studio 2017. Get the Community/Professional/Enterprise versions for free.
  26. The IMEI is an International Mobile Station Equipment Identity for a smartphone. This is mundane. The IMSI or International Mobile Subscriber Identity at the SIM card is a more security critical bit of data.

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