Tuesday, December 22, 2015

happy Winter Solstice everyone!

I guess today's the solstice for most everyone. I got together with my mother and sister to play cards yesterday and my Mother mentioned that at 10 something PM on the 21st is when the solstice technically happens in Texas (that's hill country Texas folks, not El Paso), so we celebrated last night. Anyways, my sister gave me a USB drive as a Xmas gift and on it were a bunch of old games that she bought for me at old-games.com. Classic 1980s PC Junior games Below the Root, King's Quest, Lode Runner, and Microsoft Adventure were given to me and while I've even proactively tried to find some of this stuff on my own before, I've never been successful in getting old stuff to actually run on my laptop, but old-games.com explicitly packages stuff that is just easy to run in modern Windowsland without a painful (impossible) install. old-games.com seems like a good place to buy old games. I for one am impressed. I was able to get all four of the titles I've mentioned up and running quickly! Yay!

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