Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Do a code review in SmartBear Collaborator.

  1. log in
  2. click the "CREATE NEW REVIEW" button at the upper right
  3. fill out the form fields you'll see. Give the review a name, etc.
  4. in the "Participants" subsection list yourself as "Reviewer" and pick whoever made the story to be the role of "Author"
  5. click the "ADD" button at the right of the dropdown list for "Role" which you've set to "Author"
  6. find the revision numbers for the commits to oversee in the review in TortoiseSVN
  7. click the "Upload" button under the "Review Materials" accordion and then click the appropriate item for your source control under the submenu of options which appears
  8. enter the revision numbers, separated by spaces
  9. click "BEGIN REVIEW" at the very bottom of the form
  10. click on files listed in "Review Materials" to drill into them and use the back button at the browser to return to the list
  11. if everything is good, click the "SEND TO COMPLETED" button

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