Thursday, April 2, 2015


I have actually stayed with one employer for an entire year as of today! I really love my job, and I'm enjoying working downtown too. Please don't think the cake pictured here was for me. Instead, I bought it for all of my coworkers who have had to put up with me for a year now. :P What did I learn today in particular?

  • You may right-click on a file in Visual Studio 2013's Solution Explorer and pick "Open With..." which will allow you to set how different file types open. "XML (Text) Editor (Default)" is a rocking good setting for .xsd files. If you don't set this setting they seem to open in a goofy manner that I "don't get" in a Jerry Seinfeld sense.
  • robocopy is "Robust File Copy" and a DOS command not unlike copy only with more options (bells and whistles)
  • Can you use a CTE with an INSERT statement in MSSQL? Not exactly. You can nest a SELECT within the INSERT like so however:
    INSERT INTO Foo (Id, Username, [Password])
    VALUES ((SELECT Bar FROM Baz WHERE Qux = 42), 'jdoe', 'letmein')

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