I started an online training on MVC5 today and it delved into OWIN and illuminated a solution for one of the two problems I mention here. One installs Microsoft.Owin.Hosting and Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener from NuGet and one holds open the console application which one spins up like so:
using System;
using Microsoft.Owin.Hosting;
namespace MyKatana
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string uri = "http://localhost:8080";
using (WebApp.Start<Startup>(uri))
It looks a lot like holding open a console application in a general sense, no? Yet, it's a bit different. To get this to work I also need a Startup class and it looks like this:
using Owin;
namespace MyKatana
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
app.Run(ctx =>
return ctx.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World!");
Here are some dirty notes I typed up while listening to the training before I got to the solution above:
- K. Scott Allen's MVC5 training at Pluralsight (http://www.pluralsight.com/courses/aspdotnet-mvc5-fundamentals)
- membership and security model in MVC4 is now obsolete
- Katana is a new project type for ASP.NET
- a lot of MVC features have been moved into "OWIN middleware"
- ASP.NET membership providers and simple membership providers are gone.
- Identity componets which are interface-based provide some more flexibility and understand technologies like OAuth and OpenId and local accounts stored in SQL server databases
- attribute routing
- the Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc line item at packages.config should decry what version of MVC one is using
- the video shows and upgrade from MVC4 to MVC5. The Target framework of the project gets moved from .NET Framework 4 to .NET Framework 4.5.1
- go to "Manage NuGet Packages"
- Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Helpers.Mvc has been renamed for MVC5 ... this needs to be uninstalled, then updates run, then the new version installed
- one may "roll the dice" and pick "Update All" to bring all the packages up to date, or update oneseys and twoseys
- ugh, the upgrade process is WAY painful
- Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers in the new Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Helpers.Mvc
- If you unload a .csproj file in Visual Studio you may edit it not unlike editing it in notepad... one then needs to Reload the project
- particularly in cloud apps where you pay for every byte, there is a need to have things be light
- Katana is Microsoft's implementation of an open standard named OWIN (Open Web Interface for .NET)
- web frameworks and web servers should be decoupled
- MONO is the open source implemenation of .NET
- System.Web is tied to ASP.NET and IIS as kinda fat instead of fast
- MVC5 has a reference to Microsoft.Owin and Microsoft.Owin.Security and Owin
- create a Console Application for Katana to listen to and process HTTP request
- install-package -IncludePrerelease Microsoft.Owin.Hosting ...to the console app
- install-package -IncludePrerelease Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener
- using Owin namespace one may add an IAppBuilder app
- .Environment in IAppBuilder has a dictionary of things like cookies and headers and server variables, etc.
- install-package -IncludePrerelease Microsoft.Owin.Diagnostics ...has the welcome page
- an IDictionary of string,object is an environment
- as you add extensions with other NuGet Owin packages they will typically add things you may dot off to from an IAppBuilder
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