Monday, February 17, 2014

cookies and session variables in modern ASP.NET MVC

Here is how to set cookies and session variables in modern ASP.NET MVC. This is a method from a controller:

private void SetIdentity(string id)
   IClock clock = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IClock>();
   string carat = "^";
   if (id != null && id.Contains(carat))
      string[] instructionAndIdentity = id.Replace("^^", ".").Replace("||",
      string pipeSymbol = "|";
      if (instructionAndIdentity[1].Contains(pipeSymbol))
         if (instructionAndIdentity[0] == MagicStrings.MakeCookieOnMatch)
            HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(MagicStrings.IdentityName,
            cookie.Expires = clock.GiveTime().AddDays(30);
         } else {
            HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(MagicStrings.IdentityName, "");
            cookie.Expires = clock.GiveTime();
         HttpContext.Session[MagicStrings.IdentityName] = instructionAndIdentity[1];


There is plenty of noise here, but I think you can see what you need beyond what I wrote for myself for a project I am tinkering with. Note how a cookie is destroyed by being set to nothing. You may comparably kill a session variable by setting it to null or an empty string. Here is how to fish for the settings once they are set. Again, forgive the noise. Again, this is a method in a controller.

protected Person GetIdentity()
   IPersonRepository personRepository =
   HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies[MagicStrings.IdentityName];
   if (cookie != null)
      string emailAndPassword = cookie.Value;
      if (emailAndPassword.Contains("|"))
         return PersonFinder.FindPersonByEncryptedPassword(emailAndPassword,
   if (HttpContext.Session[MagicStrings.IdentityName] != null)
      string emailAndPassword = HttpContext.Session[MagicStrings.IdentityName] as
      if (emailAndPassword != null && emailAndPassword.Contains("|"))
         return PersonFinder.FindPersonByEncryptedPassword(emailAndPassword,
   return null;


Addendum 2/18/2014: The way I am destroying cookies above is bad as it turns out. Please see this instead.

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